
im-wearing-short-pantsI used to do wingnut roundups almost every weekend, but wading through all that dumbassery made me fear for civilization itself. It also hurt my head. I will now wade back in.

One of the best sources of pure, Grade A wingnuttery is the American Thinker.  I was reminded of this yesterday when I came across the following over at Sadly, No!

In a statistical study entitled “Reproduction and the Carbon Legacies of Individuals,” published in Global Environmental Change by Murtaugh and Shlax of Oregon State University, and again published here, the authors propose that the potential savings from reduced reproduction rates among humans are some 20 times more effective than the savings wrought by life style changes.
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d-list-wingnutFrom one of my favorite stops in Wingnuttia – Clown Hall:

Take Michelle Obama…please. Every time I turn around, there she is on a magazine cover. Now, normally, like the Mafia, I lay off the spouses, but inasmuch as this particular spouse attended the same racist church as her hubby for 20 years, I’ll make an exception in her case. After all, in spite of the fact that affirmative action got her an Ivy League degree and a $7,000-a-week salary and, moreover, has sent billions of dollars for no particularly good reason to Africa, she insists this is a mean country. The burning question in my circle is: if the First Family gets a female dog, will she be the First Bitch or will she have to settle for second place?

Wow – you’d think all those professional Christians over at Town Hall wouldn’t call people names. Would Jesus use language like that?

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Still classy:

Bush joked that he’d need more such engagements to pay for the house his wife, Laura, bought without him seeing it. “I actually paid for a house last fall,” he told the crowd. “I think I’m the only American to have bought a house in the fall of 2008.”

We are well rid of him.


First it was Rush and Michael Steele, now it’s these two:

Writing about the spat with [Laura] Ingraham on her Daily Beast blog this weekend, [Meghan] McCain wrote that “instead of intellectually debating our ideological differences about the future of the Republican Party, Ingraham resorted to making fun of my age and weight.” “At this point, I have more respect for Ann Coulter than I do for Laura Ingraham because at least Coulter didn’t come back at me with heartless, substance-less attacks about my weight,” wrote McCain.

Ingraham fired back while McCain was appearing on The View.

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laser-removal-hurtsFirst I was going to post on an incredibly stupid Howard Fineman column.  Then I changed my mind when I found a deeply awful Michael Gerson op-ed.  But why do any analysis when I can just link to stupid shit like this:

The teen love affair that rocked last year’s presidential race is over.

Sarah Palin‘s daughter, Bristol, has ditched her baby daddy, Levi Johnston!

Admit it – you’re addicted to this shit.  The antics of the Talibunny and her spawn give you that glimpse into the trailer park you’ve always wanted.

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klutzDeep thought:

President Obama lifted the restrictions on stem-cell research yesterday.  But suppose Preznit Bunnypants hadn’t put them in place to begin with?

Sure, we know about the dead in Iraq – the people, the soldiers – and we know what happened in New Orleans. But how many people would be alive today if Bush hadn’t put his religion before the rest of us?  How many people would be walking instead of in wheelchairs had science not been hobbled for the past eight years?  How many people would be enjoying their lives instead of suffering?  We’ll never know.


You’re shitting me:

Sen. David Vitter (R-LA), whose career became mired in the D.C. Madam prostitution scandal back in 2007, and is now headed into his 2010 re-election campaign, is championing the cause of family values in the omnibus bill, and the need to stop government spending on family planning. Really.

That’s the same David Vitter who did the following:

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