Stinque After Dark

Let’s get this over with…

Multiple-chin enthusiast Blake Farenthold defeated 28-year congressgritter Solomon Ortiz last fall in the Texas 27th. But not before Ortiz made merry with a photo of Farenthold in his jammies with Corpus Christi’s “Crush Girls”, who describe themselves as “ambassadors to the community [who] actively contribute as volunteers for nonprofit/charitable activities and events.”

The San Antonio Express-News called the play last October:

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And after the chimp finished, Michigan quickly hopped to a nearby cornerstone, where he could safely hide for another century.

[via karen marie]

GOP New York candidate for Governor “Carl Has Two Families” Paladino’s family, er families, values rant on Sunday in front of a crowd of Hasidic Jews got more attention at the time for his anti-gay diatribe, but at the speech he also said:

“We must stop pandering to the pornographers and the perverts who seek to target our children and destroy their lives.”

Well you all know what comes next.  Assume the position for the hypocrisy drill, boys and girls. Assume the position.  In light of Carl’s fixation on pornography and teh gheyz, WNYMedia, the news outlet that in April released the obscene (horsefucking) and racist emails that Paladino had sent to half of Buffalo, has now released eight different completely NSFW pornographic videos and photos that he sent to practically every prominent businessman or politician in Western New York.  NSFW after the jump.

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Any story that includes the line “the last time I looked at the anal sex data” gets our attention:

In 1992, 16 percent of women aged 18-24 said they’d tried anal sex. Now 20 percent of women aged 18-19 say they’ve done it, and by ages 20-24, the number is 40 percent. In 1992, the highest percentage of women in any age group who admitted to anal sex was 33. In 2002, it was 35. Now it’s 46.

What’s turning America into a nation of chimney sweeps? Here’s a telling clue:

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Can you tell which of these are dog toys and which are sex toys?

And really, does it make any difference?

Sex Toy or Dog Toy? [The Smoking Jacket, via Sully]

Drill deep and don’t spill a drop with Oil Spill Condoms [Grist, via Dodgerblue]