Where the Rubber Meets the Rub

Can you tell which of these are dog toys and which are sex toys?

And really, does it make any difference?

Sex Toy or Dog Toy? [The Smoking Jacket, via Sully]

Have I told you lately that I love you, Nojo? It’s your mind. You keep us all entertained and amused and informed, but it’s the amused bit I cherish most.

depends whether its all slimy and slippery and disgusting.
wait…that would be a NO.

@blogenfreude: I got 6 out of 11. Don’t let me near your pets.

Will anybody be around in like two or three hours to compare notes? Kinda like who owns what?

Until then, have some fun in Babeland, and then there’s always the Stinque Amazon kickback link for exercise and such.

@JNOV: Used to be called Toys in Babeland … been to the one in SoHo. Good fun.

@blogenfreude: There was this place in Center City called The Pleasure Chest. I don’t know if it’s still around. Baked might remember it. I think I waited until I was 18 before I went in. I’m not sure.

Back then it was more BDSM and rubber suits. Now you can get your anal beads phthalate-free. That’s important.

i remember it well! on walnut street. i think it’s still there. the owners opened a home decor store on main street in manayunk, who’s daughter married bakettes old boyfriend.

“ah yes, i remember it well…
you lost a comb, it was a glove!”

c’mon, name the show!

I think it’s Adam & Eve behind Cali’s pot initiative. One of those old-school mail-order joints that my friends loved to sign me up for.

@baked; that’s a sweet song, isn’t it? I don’t remember the show though…

@mojo: signed you up for a catalog or sent you gifts?

@JNOV: Catalogs. Plural. Three or four joints. I forget all the names.

i will be in philly def def definitely in october for a week!
staying at that hotel in conshie that i used to run away from home to.
stinque up with me and jnov? beesko, prom? get rowdy in conshohocken?

@baked: ah, yes. I remember it now.

@mojo: did they come in brown wrappers, did the parental units ask you about them, how old were you, (and the /real/ question on everybody’s minds) did you /order/ anything?

TJ/ may I just say I hate picking people up from the airport? Esp when it fucks with Miller Time, their plane is late, and they live a million miles away?

@JNOV: Don’t recall, I wasn’t living in Eugene, 23, no. Well, probably not. Not that I can remember.

no, you don’t have to pick me up at the airport!

well, my beloved stinquers, i’m going to go now to try the first bud from the garden of White Widow from amsterdam. speaking of mail order.
if i’m not back, you’ll know i’m drooling around the house and more unintelligible than usual. i may be back blathering a report though…
hmmm, white widow. interesting since he leaves for israel in 2 weeks……

@baked: Name that show? NAME THAT SHOW????

@Benedick: Poor Maurice Chevalier is spinning in his grave right about now.

@Benedick: @Dave H:
yes, he probably is, but a 5th grader couldn’t at least.
nojo knows, but he’ll never admit it.

oh daveH, glad you stopped by. there will be DRAMA as he is going to the land of SABRA WHORES. i will be mentioning it. fair warning.

i’m the only one alive? the one who shouldn’t be posting?
@Benedick: @Dave H:
i can’t stop thinking about how tragic it is that no one knew those lyrics.
except us. and nojo.

I’m back from the airport, baked. And I knew the song. Hope your crop turned out well, Mrs. Bodwin.

You’re coming to town when?

@nojo: I’ve got some stuff you won’t forget. Cue “Tell Me Something Good.”

Oh, and wrt Conshie: Jaysus that’s one hard town to get out of! Every road out is like those fucking Escher (is that the guy?) stairs. Conshie is the fucking Hotel California of PA. I’ll meet you in Yunk, though…

i’m still up and wandering around. saw mrs. bodwin last night. heh. yunk it is. i paid (my company) for most of those restaurants when i was a legal loan shark. best job i ever had. it will be so surreal to go there…would love to!

@baked: Woot! Hit me up via email or the sandbox or whatever, and we’ll make this happen! I need lots of lead time, as I will be in the Garden State 3 days/week. If it works, I can even bring Jr. He’ll be legal by then, although the child does not imbibe or practice any of his mother’s bad habits. Unfuckingbelievable. The age thing, well, and the straight edge thing. But if I call him “straight edge,” he’ll rip off my head. Heh. Expect much familial ribbing if the boy is invited as well.

@JNOV: I know nothing. I’m pure as the driven snow.

I want to believe they are all dog toys.

@TJ/ Jamie Sommers /TJ: Heh. ‘Tis cool. It’s not everyone’s thing, although I do suggest that all men have their prostates massaged at least once in their lives. You don’t want to die without knowing what that’s like, being the giver or the receiver. :-P

It’s all about trust, giving, and being in tune with what your partner likes. A lesson Downstairs Dude refuses to learn.

would love to see jr. yay! maybe we’ll make it a whole family affair with bakette and babeh. or not. the 3 of us will have a woot in yunk!
i’ll let you know as soon as i know.@TJ/ Jamie Sommers /TJ: oh yeah, sure.

i’m staggering to bed…MWAH !

@baked: Night! Also know that Jr cusses like his momma, the former sailor, so I’ll try to keep him under check around the wee one. He’s great with kids and animals.

Hey, looks like the much-derided SFW Playboy site is already garnering some viral links. Good to know it can at least generate some material for our After Dark purposes.

@baked: Dear baked, I appreciate the heads up. Maybe I’m getting accustomed to the drama of Stinque because by now your life seems pretty normal. Please make allowances for someone who grew up with neutered female role models like June Cleaver and Margaret Anderson.

@baked: I knew them. I was just fighting with my mother-in-law at the time. For realz.

does it matter?

I mean, the dog will not care.

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