Marcel Parcells

SheehanChavezRemember Cindy Sheehan?  She was Joe the Plumber before Joe the Plumber, way back in 2005, when it was kind of a novelty for some unschooled nobody to get national attention by following the president around acting like a douche.

Anyway, she’s going to Martha’s Vineyard, for the beaches, and the publicity.  According to Sheehan, “We need to give the president the moral backbone he needs”  Well, I’m sure that sending a stalkery attention whore after him and his vacationing family will do the trick.  Of course, since it’s slow news August, this will likely corner the media market for the “unhinged asshole” story of the week.  Joe Plumber, New Hampshire Gun Nut Guy, Arizona Assault Rifle Guy, and Sarah Palin will be very envious.  But, to be safe, Sheehan should probably come armed with an IED, just to ensure she gets on the TV. Since the most visible nutcases are right wingers these days, she’s going to have to do something to appeal to that sentiment. As the Washington Examiner points out, “even the left wing of the Democratic party seems unconcerned with the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan these days.” Yes, let’s talk about birth certificates, Nazi Islamosocialist health care Death Tribunals, and assault rifles instead.

Peace Activist Sheehan Targets Obama’s Vacation [The Christian Science Monitor]


The Chief Electoral Officer has released the preliminary result of the Citizens Initiated Referendum on the question ‘Should a smack as part of good parental correction be a criminal offence in New Zealand?’

87% voted against it.
No word yet on whether this will allow me to smack other people’s children, but I’m buying a plane ticket just in case.

Citizens Initiated Referendum 2009 [New Zealand]


I just hope to God Rahm Emanuel isn’t using taxpayer money to come after Alaska.

That’s Palin spokeslady Meg Stapleton, basically saying that Rahm Emanuel, and by extension, his community organizing friends, are responsible for Sarah Palin’s need to quit everything. Of course, she doesn’t realize that if Emanuel had actually “come after Alaska” (Sarah Palin is Alaska!) then she would be found at the bottom of her fishing lake, shot in a grizzly hunting “accident”, or smashed to pieces after the brakes were cut on her snowmobile. Rahm doesn’t bother with silly ethics complaints, because if he wanted to, he could fuck you up until you’re dead, for real.

Meg also said that they’re going after her because she “represents the biggest threat to Obama.” Because yes, despite the fact that the election is three and a half years away and Obama needs to deal with the economy, health care, the gays, the Afghanistan, Iran, Iraq, North Korea, and Silvio Berlusconi first, he’s really the most worried about a half-literate two year governor whose biggest accomplishments have been having a special needs baby and becoming a grandmother in her early 40s.
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Here’s a video tip SanFranLefty sent to us, showing insane host Glenn Beck and insane guest Michael Scheuer. Ha ha they love America so much they want to explode it.

Scheuer’s money quote:

The only chance we have as a country right now is for Osama bin Ladin to deploy and detonate a major weapon in the United States.

To which Beck, always the affable host, is like “yes, yes, of course we need that calamity to happen”

Beck then brings it home with this cogent analysis. . .
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ahmadinejadWell, it turns out there were mistakes made in the vote tally from Iran, and the Guardian Council is finally ready to admit it. In case you weren’t ready to acknowledge that Iran is fucking absurd, to the point of making Floridian Democracy look like a realization of Utopian ideals, Enduring America, (through Sully), has posted this update from Iran:

A spokesman for the Guardian Council said that President Ahmadinejad’s vote total has been revised upwards after the recount.

Democracy wins again!

Latest from Iran (29 June): The Challenge Survives [Enduring America]


If only I could get a look under that hijab. . .


For those who miss the good old days (Republicans!) when America was great and Real American (Movie) Hero Ronald Reagan led our country by beating the Russians with his Star Wars light sabers, here are some dolls for you to play with!  Why worry about the current situation in Iran when you can dress up some paper dolls and recreate our old, tough-minded Iran policy of selling them weapons?  

First Family paperdolls set, features Ronald Reagan, Nancy Reagan, Patti and Ronald Jr., plus clothes, Jane Fonda and Mikhail Baryshnikov costumes, completely UNCUT, excellent, First Printing 1981.

I hear Rush Limbaugh plays with his set every night.  Though he usually waterboards the Jane Fonda doll for a little while before hatefucking it.

MisFit Toys via That’s Important