
why does french's mustard hate americaThis is William A. Jacobson. He is an Associate Clinical Professor of Law at Cornell Law School and Director of its Securities Law Clinic. He has his own blog, and he also blogs at one of the most unhinged wingnut sites on the internet – The American Thinker. And he is obsessed with Barack Obama’s choice of … mustard:

NBC’s regular news reported Obama’s order as follows: “”I’m going to have a basic cheddar cheese burger, medium well, with mustard,” Obama said. “Do you have spicy mustard? I’ll take that.”

Actually, the quote was “you got a spicy mustard or something like that, or a Dijon mustard, something like that” (at 0.55 of the unedited video below without [Andrea] Mitchell’s talkover).

Obama ordered his burger with DIJON MUSTARD! Bet he had to seek John Kerry’s counsel on that.

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The leader of the right’s most prominent online community, RedState, is losing his shit.  From Twitter:

ewerickson LMRM. The nation loses the only goat fucking child molester to ever serve on the Supreme Court in losing David Souter. #TCOT #RS

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runaway bride eyesThis is Wendy Wright.  She is the president of Concerned Women for America.  She is, as these things go, wingnut royalty. And she is completely insane.

The Obama administration’s actions to respond to the outbreak of swine flu, including its declaration of a public health emergency, smacks of an attempt to cover up this week’s Senate vote on the confirmation of Kansas Gov. Kathleen Sebelius (D) as secretary of Health and Human Services, a prominent anti-abortion-rights activist told the Washington Independent.

“Some people think that declaring a state of emergency about the flu was a political thing to push the Sebelius nomination through,” Concerned Women for America President Wendy Wright told the website’s Dave Weigel.

Sociopaths, the homeschooled, and the clinically insane.  It’s all they have left.

Abortion Activist: Obama Actions Are Sebelius Coverup [The Hill]

schween-bagWhat the fuck is it with Louisiana politicians? First it was Jindal and volcano monitoring, and now:

Given the recent outbreak of swine flu, Sen. Susan Collins’s (R-ME) push to strip funding for pandemic flu preparedness is looking increasingly shortsighted. But Collins was not the first to campaign against the provision. Indeed, several days prior to Collins’s public push, Sen. David Vitter (R-LA) introduced an amendment that would have stripped, among other things, the flu funding provision. In arguing for his amendment on the floor of the senate, Vitter apparently couldn’t fathom how pandemic preparedness could possibly serve to protect the economy, calling it part of a “laundry list of…big government spending items.”

What a fucking idiot.

Stormy warning for after the jump.

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I wonder how they will pack so much FAIL into 24 hours?

WASHINGTON, D.C. – The protest organizers were struggling to get the event together. They had originally planned to unload a rented truck filled with a million tea bags into [Lafayette Park], but were stopped by officials because they didn’t have a permit. A woman in charge of the protest announced that the right-wing Competitive Enterprise Institute had generously agreed to display the tea bags at its headquarters a few blocks away. She also said that there were originally supposed to be two stages with events, but the metropolitan police had blocked them from putting a stage on the sidewalk. A woman standing next to me leaned over and said, “That’s big government for you!”

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And check out these patriots:

BONUS D.C. Wankery:

A local think tank, the Competitive Enterprise Institute, said it would allow the dumping of the tea bags in its 12th floor conference room instead. Not quite the same impact, though.

What else could go wrong? Another protest that was planned for the Treasury Department was also scrapped due to permit issues.

How much sillier can it get? Columbia, SC:

[ Flash video not available. ]

Stay tuned. They will bring more stupid, and we will find it for you.

UPDATE: Massive Teabag Turnout in Philly.

Chairman Maobama’ is Leading the Country on a Path to Socialism [Think Progress]


I can’t tell you how happy this makes me:

Rudy Giuliani‘s once-thriving consulting firm is on the ropes, heavily pared down after his aborted presidential run last year, several sources told The Post.

The firm’s client list has thinned out in the past few years, as have partner salaries, the sources said. Some partners have left, and some support staffers let go.

Sorry for the staff – fuck the rest of ’em.

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d-list-wingnutFrom one of my favorite stops in Wingnuttia – Clown Hall:

Take Michelle Obama…please. Every time I turn around, there she is on a magazine cover. Now, normally, like the Mafia, I lay off the spouses, but inasmuch as this particular spouse attended the same racist church as her hubby for 20 years, I’ll make an exception in her case. After all, in spite of the fact that affirmative action got her an Ivy League degree and a $7,000-a-week salary and, moreover, has sent billions of dollars for no particularly good reason to Africa, she insists this is a mean country. The burning question in my circle is: if the First Family gets a female dog, will she be the First Bitch or will she have to settle for second place?

Wow – you’d think all those professional Christians over at Town Hall wouldn’t call people names. Would Jesus use language like that?

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