Sean Hannity’s America

But IOKIYAR – she will pay no price.

This is the plea of thousands of bloggers, pundits, and late night comedians to Michael Steele. Politico reports that Steele said he’s going to make some sort of announcement tomorrow with regards to the chairmanship of the RNC, but nobody knows if he’s going to step down or announce his run for reelection.

Besides, if he steps down, what excuse would I have to run this photo?

… in a ten pound bag:

[ Crooks & Liars Flash video not available. ]

I meant what I said – he might be the Republican who did the most damage, shutting down the press when we needed them most.

Human beings with a sense of decency are demanding that Montana’s Big Sky Tea Party remove Tim Ravndal from his position as President of the state party after he joked about killing LGBTQ people and the torture and murder of Matthew Shepard.

Ravndal had stated in a Facebook post that marriage should be between a man and woman (blah blah blah) and one of his fans commented, “I think fruits are decorative. Hang up where they can be seen and appreciated. Call Wyoming for display instructions.”

Ravndal’s response: “Where can I get that Wyoming printed instruction manual?”

The original commenter then responds to Ravndal, “Should be able to get info Gazette archives. Maybe even an illustration. Go back a bit over ten years.”

Read more »

And vicious anti-gay Bush partisan Ken Mehlman is gay.  Who could have predicted?

Ken Mehlman, the erstwhile chairman of the Republican National Committee and campaign manager for George W. Bush’s 2004 reelection effort, has come out of the closet as gay in a column published in The Atlantic.

Mehlman came out in a column by Mark Ambinder on the website of The Atlantic, after the blogger who outed former Idaho Sen. Larry Craig (R-ID) and onetime Virginia congressman Ed Schrock revealed that Ambinder was to publish the story. Blogger Michael Rogers was the subject of the documentary “Outrage,” a film about outing gays in government who have used their positions of power to advocate against gay issues, which aired earlier this year on HBO.

Another Bushie who should be driven from polite society.

Bush-Cheney Campaign Manager, ex-chairman of Republican Party Comes Out as Gay [Raw Story]

“Fox News chief Roger Ailes has a license to carry a firearm in New York City on his person at all times, according to the NYPD’s newly released list of handgun-permit holders. And he’s not alone among his Fox News colleagues: Prime-time shouter Sean Hannity also has a city license to carry a gun.” [Yahoo News]

Tennessee strikes again:

The website is … interesting.