
employmentdrops2Some 12.5 million Americans are enjoying the fruits of the Bush II Administration’s wanton looting of their country, staggering into a black dawn of countless years, possibly generations, of total economic catastrophe and, doubtless, cannibal anarchy, the Bureau of Labor Statistics reported this week.

Bush- and Cheney-aligned organized crime enterprises are no doubt developing strategies to cash in on the ensuing calamities, providing support services to US military deployed to put down pandemic urban insurrection, riot and civil war, as vast swaths of American society become unmoored, barbarized by starvation, disease and the despair of hopeless existence amidst smoldering, blood-soaked ruins and rotting carrion.

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Huggy, Kuddly Kutee-Pie Talibunny Yerns for GOP Victory and Apocalypse

Huggy, Kuddly Kutee-Pie Jesunazis Were Just Misunderstood. Can't We Be Friends, America, Even If You're Under the Control of the Anti-Christ?

The Jesunazis are having a hard time finding love and acceptance after working as indefatigable footsoldiers to the psychoconservative Right whose wanton corruption, diabolical greed and insatiable violence has Western civilization poised on the brink of irreparable catastrophe. The lastest game by the Jesufascist Right is: Who us? We’re not genocidal monsters who’ve spent the last 30 years calling for the transformation of America into a lilywhite, evangelical theocratic dystopia and the complete annihilation of the non-white, non-evangelical world. We’re just these huggy people who go to a building once a week to talk about God, yeah, that’s right, just like the Jewish people, the Mormons, the Orthodox and the deceived slaves of the Scarlet Whore of Rome the Catholics. Yeah, we’re just one big huggy, snuggy like bugs-in-a-ruggy gang of God-loving people.

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Kristen Davis Ran the Whorehouse That Sold The Mostest Poontangie to the Greediest Wall Street Fuckwits

Head Hose Bag: Whoremonger Kristen Davis Ran the Whorehouse That Sold The Mostest Poontangie to the Greediest Wall Street Fuckwits. From Sucking High-Priced Tits, to Being High-Priced (Public-) Tit Suckers, Oh, How the Hubristic Oligarcs Have Fallen.

Not only were Wall Street masters of the universe too incompetent, spineless and corrupt to run their portfolios straight, they were also way too busy pestorking the bejesus out of four- and five-figure hookers and walking around in euphoric post-coital fogs to figure out their businesses were monstrous fucking doomsday machines spinning out of control and winding up to destroy Western civilization. Then again, how could anyone with an endless supply of retirement fund money from witless investors to spend on busloads of fuck-ready supermodels actually care about anything?

Ha. Haha. Hahaha. Yeah, yeah, bring in two bus loads of them! Everyone knows the fucking buses are so much smaller these days. Yeah, hey, the leftover caviar at the bond department – hey, just pour it right on the desks and we’ll fuck ’em right there, swimming in the fucking stinking fucking fish fucking ooze. Oh, yeah. And get the guys from equities research to bring down some of that great blow and we’ll snort it off of their asses before we fuck ’em!

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And what do you suppose the terrorists were doing while Little Georgie Bush (age 7) was busy breaking things in Iraq?

(Newser) – Bubonic plague is believed to have wiped out dozens of al-Qaeda recruits at a terror training camp in Algeria, the Daily Mail reports. The epidemic came to light when security forces found a militant’s diseased body dumped on a roadside. Security sources say the plague forced the group to turn its hideout into a mass grave and flee, possibly infecting other terror cells. Some experts speculate that the deaths occurred as the cell was attempting to develop biological weapons.

But he kept us safe!

Black Death Wipes Out al-Qaeda Camp in Algeria [Newser]