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Competitive Face-Sucking.

BuzzFeed is shocked — Shocked! — by the matching pair of new Time covers:

TIME Magazine Sexualizing Same-Sex Marriage With New Cover Photo

This might lead you to ask: How is marriage not sexualized? Except for separate-bed Fifties sitcoms, of course. Oh, and your parents. (The Management apologizes for weirding you out.)

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Obama Up by 4 Points Among Likely Voters (58% of Americans Say He’d Take Romney in a Fight) [Esquire, via Political Wire]

RedState’s Erick Erickson: “I don’t care that The Masters are a male-dominated event. I don’t care that women aren’t members of The Masters. Frankly, I kind of like the idea that women aren’t members of The Masters. Good Lord, I don’t want to be hanging out at some women’s event! Can’t men go anywhere and just be men?[ThinkProgress]

Today’s question comes from Charlie Cooke at NRO, who asks:

“Does anyone on the Left even ask the basic question of whether a private charitable organization has the right to dispose of its money as it sees fit?”

Answer: Yes! That’s why everyone on the Left is exercising their basic right to dispose of their private charitable money in the direction of Planned Parenthood instead of the Komen Foundation!

Thanks for playing!

You Should Find the Anti-Komen Backlash Disgusting, Even If You’re Pro-Choice [NRO]

Jon Huntsman uses a Visual Sport Metaphor in his new attack ad against Mitt Romney. Can you identify the Rookie Error?

[via Baseball Researcher]

“As the presidential campaign season begins to get into full swing, radio host Rush Limbaugh is again raising questions about President Barack Obama’s personal background, wondering where all of his former girlfriends, classmates and students are.” [WND] “Limbaugh has been married four times and has no children.” [Wikipedia]

“Rick Perry intends to use a speech in South Carolina on Saturday to make clear that he’s running for president, POLITICO has learned. According to two sources familiar with the plan, the Texas governor will remove any doubt about his White House intentions during his appearance at a RedState conference in Charleston.”