That’s Just the Oxy Talking

“As the presidential campaign season begins to get into full swing, radio host Rush Limbaugh is again raising questions about President Barack Obama’s personal background, wondering where all of his former girlfriends, classmates and students are.” [WND] “Limbaugh has been married four times and has no children.” [Wikipedia]


Why did Rush fail to do his patriotic duty in Vietnam? Why the ass zit?

We tried to track down Rushbo’s “former girlfriends”, but it turns out that prepubescent ladyboys in the Dominican Republic are hard to reach. ;)

@al2o3cr: Werd.

I should think we’d all be glad it hasn’t bred. It would be like The Thing, shape-shifting, devouring everything in sight.

@Benedick HRH KFC: Don’t count him out yet. He might pull a Tony Randall, just to have some Mini-FatBastard to bequeath his piles of money, drugs and gold-plated dildos to.

My favorite Rush memory was early in his career when he whined on air that someone had stolen a sweaty NFL quarterback’s jersey from his desk drawer.

Can you say “jock-sniffer?”


/gah, cough, hair ball, wheezing/


My computer lacks enough Es and Ws to capture the gagging noise coming out of me.

I don’t know why I find that more revolting than boinking the boyz in the D.R., but I do.

/and a giant salute to you, ma’am or sir…stick around, pull up a chair and a cocktail, and comment more often if that’s your starting point.

@stickler: He kept the sweater in his desk drawer?

I have to go and lie down.

@Snorri Haraldsson Uterus: I don’t know how segur pu “sweater” in Icelandic, but in Sport they wear “jerseys” – and no, not the livestock.

But since he kept it in his drawer, I suspect it was befouled with more than just sweat.

@SanFranLefty: /resume ‘EEWWWWing’/

@Nabisco: The man is just maintaining the purity and essence of his natural fluids.

@Snorri Haraldsson Uterus: During commercial breaks, he would wrap it around his face, start moaning and beat off. The engineering guys left an extra bottle of Windex for the cleaning crew.

@Nabisco: A peysa er ekki sama og Jersey? Ég vissi ekki að. Bráðum fuglar munu fara og snjóar mun koma. Þá munum við vera dapur.

@FlyingChainSaw: Windex. This is how to get the mutton fat off the keyboard? We have much to learn from our American friends. Kveðja frá Grundarfirði!

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