You Can Hang Out With All the Boys

RedState’s Erick Erickson: “I don’t care that The Masters are a male-dominated event. I don’t care that women aren’t members of The Masters. Frankly, I kind of like the idea that women aren’t members of The Masters. Good Lord, I don’t want to be hanging out at some women’s event! Can’t men go anywhere and just be men?[ThinkProgress]


That’s what they say at the Dinah Shore Invitational in Palm Springs.

It’s called a gay bar. Assless chaps optional.

“Can’t men go anywhere and just be men?”

Well, Erick-with-a-k-not-at-all-like-my-pet-fish, there *are* such places. I believe the standard GOP ones include the Dominican Republic and your nearest airport restroom. ;)

@Benedick: I was thinking pig orgy, but it’s the same difference.

Private to Fearless Leader: listening to Padres/Dodgers on Padres feed. It’s an X-station border blaster.

Just heard a political ad, in re Mexico election. In English.

What the hell? Is this SOP for stations in Sandy Eggo based over the border?

@chicago bureau: I’m watching it on TV. The Pads’ defense looks like a bunch of drunks at the company picnic softball game.

Hey SFL, your bf Linthicum is on the hill tonight. Who else the Giants got this year?

@Tommmcatt Wears A Hoodie Daily: Another bossy bottom. Is this the new political reality? Democrats are tops and Republicans are bottoms? Hello, Eric Cantor, Imma lookin at you.

@chicago bureau: The only time I’ve listened to anything other than the college jazz station was during the blackout, so I have no idea about X-Raydio practice,

But while I’m here… that celebrated Clinton campaign doc “The War Room”? Really boring. Bubba ain’t Dylan.

Can white Christian men go anywhere and and exclude the Jews, Niggers, Bitches and Hos?


And this


Last spring, college president Jim Yong Kim, an anthropologist, medical doctor and the co-founder of the international NGO Partners in Health, established an intercollegiate collaborative known as the National College Health Improvement Project to study high-risk drinking in the same way that Kim approached communicable diseases in Rwanda and Peru.

Kim, whose three-story mansion sits on Fraternity Row, is a strong supporter of the Greek system; he has suggested on several occasions that fraternity membership may have health benefits, citing studies that show that people with long-standing friendships suffer fewer heart attacks.


@matador1015: >:/

Kim – who was recently nominated by the Obama administration to head the World Bank – was initially seen as a potential challenge to the status quo. But instead, he’s proven to be just the opposite. Not long after he took office, Kim met with Dartmouth alums and reassured them he had no intention of overhauling the fraternities. “One of the things you learn as an anthropologist,” he said, “you don’t come in and change the culture.”

It’s a giant assumption that Ewick is in fact a man.

@chicago bureau: The Mighty 690?

@Dodgerblue: New Mexico destroyed the future Rulers of the Skies at the AF Academy 19-0 today. It’s the ground troops that generally take such a shelling.

@Lost in the Negative Space: In order to keep the status quo, someone has to be put in charge of keeping the status quo. Finding a person of color is like icing on the cake. Or on Dartmouth’s case, icing on the on the kiddie pool.

@redmanlaw: Dodgers now 2-0, probably the high point of the season. I’ve got two games next week.

@Benedick: Only Lindsey Graham’s hairdresser knows for sure.

@Dodgerblue: Matt Cain just signed a ginormous contract that Giants leadership may come to regret in a couple of years.

@SanFranLefty: Once we get leadership down in the Ravine, they need to sign Kershaw long-term. And btw your guys can have Juan Uribe for a bag o’peanuts. What a sack of shit.

@Dodgerblue: Rumor has it that Magic is going to move the Dodgers downtown by the new football stadium and sell off the land by the ravine for billions more than he paid for it. Or that’s what I read in the reader comments of the SF Chronicle.

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