1. Candy corn!
2. Piles of leaves!
3. That toy you loved that nobody remembers because they weren’t kids between 1966-1975!
1. Candy corn!
2. Piles of leaves!
3. That toy you loved that nobody remembers because they weren’t kids between 1966-1975!
Screw kitty pix, we’re bringing out the big guns to deliver a hearty fuck you to 2016.
Okay, let’s face it. It’s been a rough year.
So, maybe not as rough as the year before, and definitely not as bad as 2008-2009, but still pretty rough, all things considered. Overt racism seems to have made a comeback of late, and Boehner and the rest of his jackanapes still arglebargle and caper in the House to the detriment of common decency and good governance. Unemployment hovers around 7 percent, and they decided not to put the pilot for Joe Hill’s Locke and Key on the air, which is holding up the goddam movie.
These, and many, many more things, suck this year. Miley Cyrus sucks. Kanye West is an idiot. Michelle Malkin still has a column, and what the hell is going on with this heathcare website thingie? Get it together, Mr. President, I have to sit through my conservative relatives comparing the ACA to Dachau all weekend because of this. Also, really tired of Louis Gohmert. Reaaaaaaalllly tired. I’d like some fresh wingnuts, please, if I have to deal with wingnuttery at all.
Still, the reason for the holiday, ostensibly, is to give thanks. And as many of us can’t see the forest of gratitude for the trees of student loan debt; unemployment; and discrimination against lady-bits, sodomites, and general brown-ness; I offer here ten gems. Ten reasons to be thankful this turkey season.
You’re welcome. Pass the potatoes.
Like hell we’re going to bed with that horrorshow at the top of the stack.
“The financially struggling U.S. Postal Service said Wednesday it will stop delivering mail on Saturdays but continue to disburse packages six days a week, an apparent end-run around an unaccommodating Congress.” [Yahoo]
And now, for a minute or two, Stinque Department of FurBabies presents something to take your mind off all the shit in the world.
Bulldog Puppy for Benedick:
Existentialist Cats and Jumping Bunnies if you click through! Read more »
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