A Thought At Bedtime

To paraphrase The Guardian:

Warning: this post contains the image of Muhammad (or it could be just a random Arab guy) crying over what a bunch of fanatics did in his name, and some may find that offensive.

Fatwa This

Also from The Guardian:

Newspapers around Europe, including Libération, Le Monde and Frankfurter Allgemeine have used the image online. The BBC showed it briefly during a newspaper review on Newsnight. In the US, USA Today and the LA Times ran the cover but the New York Times did not. The Guardian is running this cover as its news value warrants publication.

Scary to realize that Stinque has bigger balls than the Gray Lady.

This sums it up. For fuck’s sake.

I can't breathe.


[NY Daily News]

Monty Python couldn’t come up with something this fucked up.


Past Stinque coverage of Ferguson.

And a parting thought at bedtime:


Howard U class of 2018

What the fuck to say other than a gutteral scream while clutching the nearest furry dog/cat/rabbit while searching for the nearest bong or bottle of vodka or Jane Austen novel?

So many things to say or think. Hard to prioritize the outrage. Where to start?  The ongoing open season on black and brown people, the hypocrisy of law enforcement who chuckle at a bunch of white wing-nuts making up for their small penises with big guns at the the Starbucks but have their sniper guns pointed at the heads of protesters with their hands in the air, the horrifying militarization of Barney Fifes of rural ‘Merikah with surplus weapons-grade body armor/machine guns/tanks, or the beatings and arrests of citizens just trying to get home or reporters trying to document the siege of the civilians.

McDonalds Tank

Pay attention to what is happening in Ferguson, Missouri. The media has been banned, there is a no fly zone over the city. The police killed an unarmed black teenager and the protesters are surrounded by military grade police force with armored vehicles, assault weapons and tear gas.

tear gasTwo members of the local government have been arrested for joining the protesters. The press has been arrested and assaulted. Your civil rights are being tossed to the wind by this police force.

Brought to you by the Patriot Act and post-9/11 hysteria.

Something truly terrifying is happening right here in the land of the free and the home of the brave where ostensibly race is no longer an issue because we have a black President.

Suffer the Little Children

I’m waiting for the NRA to get in there and tell these people they have the right to arm themselves against aggressive government action.

Oh. Wait.



[via Buzzfeed]

The photographer who took this picture at the collapsed sweatshop in Bangladesh says it best:

Every time I look back to this photo, I feel uncomfortable — it haunts me. It’s as if they are saying to me, we are not a number — not only cheap labor and cheap lives. We are human beings like you. Our life is precious like yours, and our dreams are precious too.

They are witnesses in this cruel history of workers being killed.

Jesus Fucking Christ

[Time Light Box]