Geek Love

Welcome to Scotland, Siri, where voice-recognition goes to die.

The iPhone’s Siri doesn’t seem so smart in Scotland [LAT]

Our guest columnist consists of plastic bricks.

My name is Ego Leonard and according to you I come from the virtual world. A world that for me represents happiness, solidarity, all green and blossoming, with no rules or limitations.

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Our guest columnist is

We are sorry, the page you are looking for is lost.

Periodically, pages go missing, assets get misplaced — you should not be concerned. This is a startup, this kind of thing happens. At Nosh, we are fortunate to have a relationship with several teams of ex-special forces operatives who help us track down these missing pages. When a page on this website goes rogue — and a code 404 arises — we dispatch one of our teams to bring it back. Ideally they are able to salvage the missing page, but sometimes, if the page is truly lost, they have to take it out (resulting in the subsequent code 500 when the page gets taken down).

Regarding the page you are currently looking for, one of our teams actually did find it, but it did not want to be found and a firefight ensued. This encounter is documented above.

We are very sorry we are not able to display the page you were looking for. Please go back home and we’ll do our best to ensure this kind of mix up is resolved peacefully in the future.

404: Page Not Found [Nosh, via Daring Fireball]

Bacon ipsum dolor sit amet shoulder pork chop spare ribs, tri-tip sirloin tenderloin beef ribs ribeye short loin pig ham hock sausage pork belly turkey corned beef. Shank drumstick flank sirloin bresaola tri-tip. Shank drumstick corned beef pig swine short loin. Jerky beef ribs meatloaf short loin ribeye. Bacon meatball ham hock beef ribs ribeye cow, hamburger pastrami beef shoulder. Short loin sausage flank, turkey pancetta drumstick shankle jowl. Tongue sirloin rump tenderloin, strip steak bacon short ribs bresaola chicken.

Bacon Ipsum: A Meatier Lorem Ipsum Generator

placekitten: A quick and simple service for getting pictures of kittens for use as placeholders in your designs or code

We’ve posted 3,535 items — mostly headlines — to the Stinque Twitter account. (Not to be confused with the Stinque Daily Blurb Twitter account, just to confuse you.) Using the new Internet time waster analysis service “That can be my next tweet”, our composite Tweet DNA results in the Dada Haiku above, which we insist be inscribed on our tombstone.

That can be my next tweet

That Can Be Our Next Headline: 21 Perfect Stories by The Machines [The Awl, via flippin eck]

Atari Brings 100 Retro Titles to iOS in “Atari’s Greatest Hits”! [Touch Arcade]

Mr. Shatner was born on this day in 1931. You are now obligated to “sing” Rocket Man in his honor.

‘Talk Like William Shatner Day’ Video Contest [TrekMovie]