William Shatner’s Eighty-Year Mission

Mr. Shatner was born on this day in 1931. You are now obligated to “sing” Rocket Man in his honor.

‘Talk Like William Shatner Day’ Video Contest [TrekMovie]

“Ive lost my wig and girdle and I cant leave my room!”

I think he rolled through Santa Fe recently.

There was that nasty incident in L.A. with his wife: http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/entertainment/473688.stm

In an unrelated note (snicker), it’s also Stephen Sondheim’s birthday. He’s 81.

TJ: Noooooooooooooooo!!!

AMC’s Mad Men, the show that everyone talks about but only a few people watch (mostly because the people who create the conversation about it are the people who watch it, duhhh), was supposed to start its fifth season later on in 2011, but now it looks like we might not see the return of sad Don and sad Betty and sad everyone else until the year 2012, the last year of any of us. Yeah, AMC and Lionsgate are doing their usual bickering over who gets how much of what, profits and stuff wise, so production is delayed, meaning the whole damn season is likely to be pushed back past the new year.

I need Jon Hamm pictures, stat.

@Mistress Cynica:
I will do Mad Men Puppet Theater if necessary.

@Mistress Cynica: Done. Based on the comment preview, I thought you were going to say that it had been canceled; my heart jumped at the thought.

Here’s a ballet scandal to keep your mind off of Mad Men:

Anastasia Volochkova, the former Bolshoi prima ballerina who was fired in 2003 over her weight, describes a theatre transformed into a quasi-escort agency for wealthy donors. Several other sources backed up her claims.

“Parties are organised for oligarchs, for sponsors. And they invite ballerinas from the Bolshoi,” Volochkova said. “These girls aren’t invited privately, but through the theatre’s administration.


@redmanlaw: That actually does tie in with Mad Men, because Betty was a model before she married Don, and in one season she gets together with a fellow model who in addition to modeling was a high-end call girl, a la Grace Kelly. There was a discussion of this on Gawker today because the blind item involving a super famous for TV A++++++++ star from back in the day with a very distinctive voice who worked as a call girl as her “odd jobs” before she got her big break, and that this was how she met her husband. Answer: Lucille Ball.

@Mistress Cynica: Dear god, woman, I thought it was canceled too based on what was visible in the preview pane.

@SanFranLefty: I know, right?! Talk about a false alarm.

@SanFranLefty, mellbell, Cyn: Think I’ll go pick up Season 4 on DVD. I still have not seen The Suitcase.

@SanFranLefty: @mellbell: Sorry, didn’t mean to cause panic on both coasts.

@Dodgerblue: And people continue to get busted up at SPIDERMAN! The MUSICAL!

@SanFranLefty: Is anyone but me old enough to remember Masters and Johnson? Are there really women who like rumpty-pumpty and money so much that they’ll do it with anyone at all who pays them and doesn’t hurt them? there must be. Astonishing! But surely that can’t account for more than a small percentage of those on the game.

@lynnlightfoot: Yes, there are still woman who would do it and it doesn’t appear to hurt them. JNOV and I know one of them. But yes, I agree, they are definitely the minority. But it was a type, I believe, back in the ’50s.

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