Brushes with Fame

Meet Isaiah Mustafa. Oh, you already have?

The Old Spice Man’s Internet Triumph [Daily Beast, via Sully]

Why the Old Spice Guy Is Good for Black America [The Root]

Have you met Spencer Elden? Nice kid. Works for Shepard Fairey, who did the Obama poster. Cute little dick. You might have seen it on an album cover.

Shepard Fairey Employs Nirvana’s Nevermind Baby [Mediabistro, via Kottke]

We don’t have time to do this justice, but after last week’s heavily censored South Park episode aired — censored by Comedy Central because it revisited the topic of depictions of Mohammed — Seattle artist Molly Norris announced “Everybody Draw Mohammed Day,” which promptly went viral.

And now Molly would prefer that everyone forget about it:

Once it became a national story she reeled back, asking [Dan] Savage — in an email he provided to The Ticket — if he would “be kind enough to switch out my poster” with another one — a much tamer version which has no images attributed to Muhammad.

“I am sort of freaked out about my name/image being all over the place,” her e-mail reads.

Ummm, right. Don’t they teach irony in the Pacific Northwest any more?

Creators of ‘Everybody Draw Muhammad Day’ drop gag after everybody gets angry [LAT]

Everybody Draw Mohammed Day! [The Stranger]

“Attention Whining Liberals: No one wants to hurt the precious #EMPEROR. Stop your crying. The whole lot of you are a modern day joke,” says Solly Forell. Hahahahahaha, says the Secret Service.

Conservative Blogger Calls For Obama’s Assassination On Twitter [Jezebel]

The Secret Service Is Investigating a Conservative’s Obama Assassination Tweets [Daily Finance]

So many sailors, so little time: “Massa climbed up on the top of his bunk, which is hard to do — you never crawl up on somebody else’s bunk. He wakes up to Massa undoing his pants trying to snorkel him.” [Atlantic]

Anthony Galluccio swears he’s innocent. No, not for the hit-and-run — he fessed to that, and the Massachusetts state senator has been confined to his home for six months. But the terms of his probation include random alcohol testing, and he set off the breathalyzer several times Monday.

His excuse? Toothpaste.

After discussing it with a physician, we have determined that is the result of my using two toothpastes — Colgate Total Whitening and Sensodyne Toothpaste, both of which contain sorbitol. While I knew that mouthwash or cold medicine would set the machine off, it did not occur to me that toothpaste would.

Didn’t occur to us either, but we’re adding Colgate Anticavity Single Malt to our shopping list.

Galluccio Flunks Alcohol Test, Blames Toothpaste [WCVB]

Politico reports that a Demrat Congresscritter you’ve never heard of — Parker Griffith of Alabama — is turning Repug today:

The switch represents a coup for the House Republican leadership, which had been courting Griffith since he publicly criticized the Democratic leadership in the wake of raucous town halls during the summer.

Yes, Politico, a “coup” that doesn’t change the balance of power in the House, that doesn’t affect the results from upstate New York, and isn’t nearly as momentous as Arlen Specter’s flip last spring — a flip that gave Senate Demrats sixty votes once Senator Al was sworn in.

But hey, slow day. We understand.

Exclusive: Rep. Parker Griffith switches to GOP [Politico]