Morning Sedition

Every time we try to write something cogent about Paul Ryan’s speech last night, we get about three sentences in before we get stuck on LYING SACK OF SHIT, because to say anything else would be, well, dishonest. So please enjoy instead this demonstration of Nellie the Sea Otter stacking cups, because it expresses a simple truth that modern Republicans appear to be incapable of.

[via Know Your Meme]

As the Mars Rover was going through its Seven Minutes of Terror while it descended to the surface, it was snapping pictures about four times a second. If you take those pictures, set them to their relevant duration, and smooth the differences between them, you get something Totally Fucking Awesome: a Mars Landing video in real time.

[via parislemon]

Tropical Storm Isaac [NOAA]

Hurricane Isaac Threatens To Swamp Republican Convention [ABC]

[via Daring Fireball]

  • Failed to shoot a lawyer in the face.
  • Failed to say we would be “greeted as liberators” in Iraq.
  • Failed to tell Mitch McConnell to “Go Fuck Yourself” on the floor of the Senate.

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