General Disarray

Nuke alarms, presidents shrieking SIEG! HEIL! in rallies and in the loo, executive compensation running in excess of the GDP of most developed countries, the nation’s elections and president controlled by a fleabag, failed empire’s racketeer-in-chief, the complete shithouse of the AMERICA!n experience in the late 20th and early 21st Century can be wrapped up in one quick declarative assertion within the capacity of the current president to articulate:


So twisted, so insane, so completely incomprehensible you’ll have to admit Omarosa is the most important political operative in the history of the White House.

It gets weird by 4:10.

By 6:46, it’s so disturbingly demented you know that America has been robbed of an immensely important comic opportunity.

Omarosa should have been the White House press secretary during the Trump administration, however long it endures, or America survives. She is the only possibility for a press minister who could do any justice to TRUMPLIGULA!’s surrealist pronouncements.


Today is a day ending in “y” which means that Donald Trump has once again done something outrageous that shows his utter contempt for the idea that the United States is a nation of laws and not of men. What’s got most people of good conscience raising eyebrows is a tweet in which the President seems to indicate that if need be he will not refrain from leveraging the Presidential pardon authority to write himself and his family members a “get out of jail free” card should Robert Muller decide to bring charges as a result of his investigation of Russian collusion and obstruction of justice.


As usual Donald Trump is trying to be too cute by half here, at once asserting that he is innocent of any real crime (it’s all just “fake news”) but at the same time insisting that “everyone” agrees that his pardon authority is unlimited and thus, one must surmise, applicable to himself. Read more »





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Face it, cackling fans of the apocalypse: Trumpligula is a brain-dead late-stage Alzheimer’s victim who is beginning to show signs of Alzheimer’s end-stage rage and confusion that maybe gives him a few months, maybe weeks before he has to be diapered by attendants and drugged into compliance.

As a public service, in the name of participatory democracy STINQUE is sponsoring its first ‘Sedate the Senescent Tyrant’ poll, asking AMERICA!ns at home, abroad and at sea what drugs should we be using to assure that Trumpligula doesn’t do anything too damaging to AMERICA!’s interests and already damaged prestige overseas.

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MOMMMMEEEEEE! That's it, FUCKFACE! Call me fucking MOMMMEEEE! when I twist my fist in your big fat fucking ass! This will get you ready for that 10000 year sentence you get in Allenwood and the 1000s of cannibal neonazi serial killers who are going to you their bride!

MOMMMMEEEEEE! That’s it, FUCKFACE! Call me fucking MOMMMEEEEEEE! when I twist my fist in your big fat fucking ass! This will get you ready for that 10,000 year sentence you will get in Leavenworth and all nice and ripped open for the 1000s of cannibal neonazi serial killers who are going to make you their bizarre, orange bride!

History’s most insanely malicious president and the biggest ASSHOLE! to sit in the speakers chair, displacing boy rapists like Dennis Hastert and obscene, raving drunks like John Boehner are like Jeffrey Dahmer and Charles Manson in the same softball team, ever competitive and always trying to cave in the other asshole’s face with a Louisville Slugger.

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Insane president from outer space FUCKFACE! von KLOWNSTICK will end his days chained to a pipe in the shower in Allenwood and AMERICA! counts the days until then.

After enduring nearly two hellacious embarrassing months in office during which not one cat in AMERICA! was able to keeps its dinner down, Precedent FUCKFACE! von KLOWNSTICK!, got a grade of F from 1 in 3 voters, according to a new McClatchy-Marist Poll.

By contrast, the same number graded predecessor Democrat Barack Obama’s performance a B as he approached his 100th day in office, McClatchy reported this week.

“Every time he speaks . . . my cat power chucks across the yard. It’s phenomenal, the explosive emetogenic response be provokes,” said a witness to western civilization’s last days from Auburn, WA. “I have never seen this kind of stuff fly out of any animal.”

Read more here.