UNHINGED AND ABROAD: How Do You Medicate a Plenipotentiary with Alzheimer’s: Fentanyl, Dilaudid, Morphine, Demerol or Six Pound Sledge?
Face it, cackling fans of the apocalypse: Trumpligula is a brain-dead late-stage Alzheimer’s victim who is beginning to show signs of Alzheimer’s end-stage rage and confusion that maybe gives him a few months, maybe weeks before he has to be diapered by attendants and drugged into compliance.
As a public service, in the name of participatory democracy STINQUE is sponsoring its first ‘Sedate the Senescent Tyrant’ poll, asking AMERICA!ns at home, abroad and at sea what drugs should we be using to assure that Trumpligula doesn’t do anything too damaging to AMERICA!’s interests and already damaged prestige overseas.
Choose one:
[poll id=”190″]
That’s weird. Even with dementia, dumFux Nooz reports that Twitler’s approval rating has surged to 124%.
Let’s be serious. Only 98%. 124%? That’s NoKo kind of approval ratings.
NOJO • A Kind of Hash @¡Andrew!: Not yet, but I’m sure I can borrow one from a neighbor on the…
¡ANDREW! • A Kind of Hash @nojo: Oh wow! Congratulations on the move. Hope it's going well. I assume that you now have a…
MANCHUCANDIDATE • A Kind of Hash For the Ex-Mo contingent... https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=B1W0pDpDBqE
NOJO • A Kind of Hash @¡Andrew!: Never made it, and too late now — I’ve been in Brooklyn since May.
¡ANDREW! • A Kind of Hash @nojo: So, have you dined at Casa Bonita yet? It seems to be the primary cause of mass insanity in…
¡ANDREW! • A Kind of Hash I hope Taylor Swift figured out a way to unleash her flying monkeys/army of lawyers against Tr666p…
MANCHUCANDIDATE • A Kind of Hash Team Kamala/Walz/Swifty
NOJO • A Kind of Hash Nothing in my life goes to waste.
¡ANDREW! • Harris-Kelly ’24 Happy Labor Day to all the Losers and the Suckers and the Haters MERRY CHRISTMAS!!!