

Sources close to Sarah Palin told CNN Wednesday that the former Alaska governor is no longer likely to attend a tea party rally in Iowa on Saturday, an event that’s been plagued by logistical issues.

Delaware Online:

It was another demonstration of Christine O’Donnell’s capacity to polarize even her own party: A national tea party group dropped her from a lineup of speakers for a Sarah Palin rally in Iowa on Saturday, only to turn around within hours and re-invite her.

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Three years ago DC pundits predicted with glee the demise of Sarah Palin’s political career.” —SarahPAC, saying Palin has not yet made a decision to run. On August 23, 2008, no DC pundit had even heard of Sarah Palin. Except Bill Kristol.

Turdblossom Comes Alive:

Former Bush advisor Karl Rove says he believes former Alaska governor Sarah Palin will enter the Republican presidential race sometime around Labor Day. Appearing on Fox News Saturday morning, Rove said Palin “has a schedule next week that looks like that of a candidate, not a celebrity.” Rove also cited a new campaign-style video Palin has released on her recent visit to the Iowa State Fair as evidence Palin is gearing up for a run.

It remains the case that any evidence you can cite regarding Talibunny cuts both ways: Either it proves she’s running, or it proves she’s burnishing her brand before America inevitably moves on. The latest video isn’t conclusive, nor is the scheduled September 3 rally in Iowa.

It also remains the case that Bushies don’t like Deranger Rick.

Our gut call: Rove is fucking with Perry.

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You may have heard that Sarah Palin is back on the road, and by an amazing coincidence has turned up in Iowa, where, we’re learning, all the citizens are equipped with video cameras and boom mics.

Clever people are using this as evidence that she’s really running for President, and is just being too coy to announce yet, while other clever people are using this as evidence that she’s rushing to sell a few more books before her clock runs out.

We have a third theory: Something like this is a lot more fun than dealing with her daughter-in-law’s miraculous three-month pregnancy.

[via @daveweigel]

“In the latest indication that her sights are still set on a presidential run, former Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin has accepted an invitation to keynote a Tea Party rally in Waukee, Iowa, on Sept. 3, RealClearPolitics has learned.”

Stinquer Tommmcatt forwards an email sent today by Team Sarah, imploring adepts to attend the Sarah Palin bomb movie to keep the Lamestream Media from calling it the abject failure it is.

At least we think that’s what it says. If you view the original at our Scribd account, you’ll see why we’re having difficulties deciphering it.

“With its Sarah Palin documentary ‘The Undefeated’ increasing its playdates by 40 percent this weekend, only to watch box office revenue decline by more than 63 percent, distributor Arc Entertainment announced Sunday that the film will soon be available on pay per view.” [Yahoo]