Today in Wingnut Clusterfucks


Sources close to Sarah Palin told CNN Wednesday that the former Alaska governor is no longer likely to attend a tea party rally in Iowa on Saturday, an event that’s been plagued by logistical issues.

Delaware Online:

It was another demonstration of Christine O’Donnell’s capacity to polarize even her own party: A national tea party group dropped her from a lineup of speakers for a Sarah Palin rally in Iowa on Saturday, only to turn around within hours and re-invite her.


Tea Party of America President Ken Crow told NBC News, “I had to cancel Ms. O’Donnell” after a conversation with Sarah Palin aides — and is now hopeful Palin will attend the Saturday rally in Indianola.


Despite a report that Sarah Palin may cancel her planned appearance at a tea party group’s rally in Iowa Saturday, organizers say she hasn’t informed them of any change.


Shorter Palin: “I AM big. It’s the pictures that got small.”


@Benedick: I’m wondering who ends up face down in the pool.

@nojo: I was thinking the guy who knocked up Palin’s daughter, but then we’d have to decide which one.

@Dodgerblue: Close. 2 Palins 1 Levi: Hungry Bitches

It’s not the pictures got small it’s her tits that got big.

@nojo: Bill Kristol. Hagiography for hags.

@Benedick: I guess that leaves Todd to play the butler.

@nojo: Todd’s the girlfriend left behind.

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