So just let me know if the new cat photos/videos get to be too much:


The grey one is Yoda (shelter name Prince). The black one is Vader (shelter name Muffin). Vader was one of a litter of three – he’s the only survivor. He would not eat six weeks ago, and a vet said he would die. Then he was put in with Yoda’s litter, and Yoda started to fuck around with him. He started eating, and now he’s here with us.

Don’t like the design, don’t like the 1,776 foot height silliness, but I’m glad the hole is filled. Here’s video of the top off:

And here’s a link to some Buzzfeed photos.

Worked a job downtown in late 2009 and stared into that hole every day from a height of twenty-some stories. Glad to see some semblance of normalcy return to downtown now that this construction and the demolition of the DB building is done.


This is Stilts. He is 18 months old. He lived at my vet’s office until last week, when he found a home.

Stilts wound up at the vet when a 10 year old threw him out the window because he did not come when called. His back legs were broken to the extent that he almost lost one of them.

The vet put him back together. He now walks normally, and I saw him jump onto a 4 foot high counter with no problem.

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Shot by my GF:


not kimmel, the other one“The New York Daily News reports that budget documents state that ‘a talk or variety program’ that gets the credit ‘must be filmed before a studio audience’ of at least 200, have a production budget of at least $30 million or run at least $10 million in capital expenses — and has to have been shot outside New York for at least 5 seasons prior to relocation.” [The Interrobang]

latz“A Republican lawmaker in New York who has a record of voting against medical marijuana legalization has been arrested and charged with possession of marijuana. State police said that a suspicious odor was noticed in Assemblyman Steve Katz’s vehicle when they pulled him over for driving around 80 mph in a 75 mph zone at around 10 a.m. Thursday morning.” [Raw Story]