Everything You Know Is Wrong

American Thinker:

Last Thursday evening at Montclair State University, with a video camera rolling, Bill Ayers volunteered that yes indeed he had written the acclaimed Barack Obama memoir, Dreams from My Father.

Gateway Pundit:

Bill Ayers Admits (Again) He Wrote Obama’s First Book

Fox Nation:

For the second time in less than eighteen months, domestic terrorist Bill Ayers admitted he wrote Barack Obama’s book “Dreams From My Father.”

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“‘I remember Martin Luther King came to town, in ’62. He spoke out at the old fairground and it was full of people, black and white,’ [Haley Barbour] said. But Pulitzer Prize-winning historian David Garrow told the Jackson Clarion-Ledger this week that records show no signs of any such appearance.” [TPM] Update: MLK did go to Yazoo in 1966. [Politico]

We’re going to run this long, because it’s even better that way:

Benjamin Wallace-Wells is a contributing writer for the magazine and a Schwartz fellow at the New America Foundation. His last article for the magazine was about the legal scholar Cass Sunstein.

This article has been revised to reflect the following correction:

Correction: February 6, 2011

An article on Jan. 16 about drilling for oil off the coast of Angola erroneously reported a story about cows falling from planes, as an example of risks in any engineering endeavor. No cows, smuggled or otherwise, ever fell from a plane into a Japanese fishing rig. The story is an urban legend, and versions of it have been reported in Scotland, Germany, Russia and other locations.

Anybody who Googles “Cass Sunstein AND falling cows”, we’re here to serve.

The Will to Drill [NYT, via TPM]

Image: Gomberg Kites

“In bidding a sort-of farewell to White House spokesman Robert Gibbs, he noted the ‘relatively modest pay’ for which Gibbs has labored. In fact, he earns $172,200 in a nation where the average family income hovers around $55,000, unemployment is high, record foreclosures persist and wages for most folks are at best stagnant.” [Atlantic]

Yeah, we know — it never left. But if, unlike Jon Stewart and a nation of teabaggers, you haven’t been pigging out on Fox News 24/7, you can now enjoy its new spinoff channel, the United States House of Representatives:

The GOP plans to hold high profile hearings examining the alleged “scientific fraud” behind global warming, a sleeper issue in this election that motivated the base quite a bit.

Other exciting episodes in development include “The New Black Panthers Party Hearty,” “ACORN: The Next Generation,” and “All My Birth Certificates.”

Inside investment tip: Watermelon futures.

What Now? An Epic Election Meets the Future [Marc Ambinder]

The GOP Plan To Investigate Obama: The First Four Potential Investigations [TPM]

The part that shouldn’t surprise you:

A textbook distributed to Virginia fourth-graders says that thousands of African Americans fought for the South during the Civil War — a claim rejected by most historians but often made by groups seeking to play down slavery’s role as a cause of the conflict.

The part that should frighten the hell out of you:

When Masoff began work on the textbook, she said she consulted a variety of sources — history books, experts and the Internet. But when it came to one of the Civil War’s most controversial themes — the role of African Americans in the Confederacy — she relied primarily on an Internet search.

The book’s publisher, Five Ponds Press, based in Weston, Conn., sent a Post reporter three of the links Masoff found on the Internet. Each referred to work by Sons of the Confederate Veterans or others who contend that the fight over slavery was not the main cause of the Civil War.

Review Question: When the Northern Hemisphere goes down the toilet, which direction does the idiocy spin?

Virginia 4th-grade textbook criticized over claims on black Confederate soldiers [WaPo]

America’s Losers bumper sticker [Stinqueria]

You may be saying, “nothing has the capacity to shock anymore.  I’ve seen a candidate lead off a 30-second spot by declaring that she is not a witch.  A candidate who suggested that chickens could be traded for basic medical care almost won an election.  A guy who has been out of political office for a decade and who divorced a cancer-ridden wife is seriously angling for the Oval Office on a family-values platform.  There is no more to see.”

Not so fast.  Now, Campbell’s Soup, we are told, wants to destroy everything we know and love.  Seriously.  Campbell’s Fucking Soup.

Earlier this year, Campbell Canada introduced a line of halal-certified soups. The 15 soups comply with Islamic dietary regulations which, much like kosher regulations, prohibit certain foods and define the right way to slaughter animals.  The line, which includes low fat cream of broccoli and vegetarian vegetable, was certified by the Islamic Society of North America, which has been certifying halal foods since 1988.  To some people, that’s just more evidence that Sharia is coming to North America — this time, via the grocery store.

Of course, this is Canada we are talking about here.  Not U.S. America, but Canada.  But, as you shall see post-jump, that means nothing to anyone who loves freedom.

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