Asploders Syndrome

“[Republican Jeff] Landry has introduced H.R. 3676, which would amend the NDAA by saying that ‘no United States citizen may be detained against his or her will without all the rights of due process afforded to the citizen in a court ordained or established by or under Article III of the Constitution of the United States.'” That’s right: A Republican is protecting us from Democrats. [The Hill, via ThinkProgress]

“Those people in the Republican primary have got to lay off of this stuff. They’re forcing their leaders, the frontrunners, into positions that will mean they lose the general election…They’ve got to stop this! It’s just so counterproductive!” Ladies and gentlemen, Pat Robertson. [ThinkProgress]

Chris Christie still not running.

[The Onion TPM]

John McCain is having a Bad Day:

Tea-party activists called McCain “out of touch” when the senator said he didn’t know about United Nations “Agenda 21.” One man described the initiative as a “takeover of the United States of America by taking over our farms.”

“First, our firearms, then our farms,” another man added.

Couple of things. First, we love the name “Agenda 21”. We can see a trailer featuring Matt Damon battling a conspiracy of nondescript men in fedoras terrorizing the world’s PowerPoint presentations.

Second: What the hell is Agenda 21?

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Everything you ever wanted to know about coffee, but wayyyyy too fast if you’re only on your first java of the day.

Coffee: Greatest Addiction Ever [Grey’s Blog, via Daring Fireball]

Maybe some of the rest of you have already heard about this ad for the special Congressional election for California’s 36th district (or have the El Ay Stinquers seen it?) but when I saw this my mouth opened a few inches and a wheezing noise of shock came out. The ad, attacking Democratic candidate Janice Hahn, was created and aired by an independent expenditure group called “Turned Right USA” in support of GOP candidate Craig Huey.

If you can’t make it all the way through it, the ad features Ms. Hahn as a stripper performing for two black gangsters who are rapping repeatedly, “Give us your cash bitch,” because apparently Ms. Hahn had supported a gang intervention group working with youth in LA, and she had the audacity to call for two LAPD officers to be removed from their Watts beat after numerous complaints about them harassing people in the community.

Get ready for a lot more of this shit in 2012, kids, thanks to the Supreme Court’s Citizens United decision.