America’s Heartlessland

[Brooklyn Mutt via parislemon]

“You find that along with the culture of death go all kinds of other law-breaking: Not following good sanitary procedure, giving abortions to women who are not actually pregnant, cheating on taxes, all these kinds of things.” —Todd Akin, speaking on the House floor in 2008. His campaign stands by the claim, which is based on a 1978 newspaper story. [BuzzFeed]

“I’m going to be frank. Orrin Hatch is not a bad guy. But he is an old guy… [He may] die before his term is through.” —Utah Democratic Senate candidate Scott Howell, in a fundraising letter. [ABC4 Salt Lake City, via Political Wire]

Our guest columnist was happily laboring in obscurity before Sunday.

We believe that life is something that comes from our creator. We’re made in his image. And all across America you see Americans that have a respect for life — it’s not a political debate, it’s not words, it’s how they live their lives. I remember in Sept. 11, rescue workers running into the building that’s about to collapse. They grabbed somebody that’s in a wheelchair, pick him up, they don’t check their ID to see whether they’re important or not. They just take them to safety and run back for more. They by their lives speak as Americans about what we think about the value of human beings and how much repeat we hold people with… That’s the very special thing about our country.

Todd Akin: ‘I’ve Not Yet Begun To Fight’ [TPM]

Somehow, I don’t think this is what Jesus had in mind.

Frank Bruni of the New York Times shares with us yet another anti-gay video from a church service. This time it features a young boy in Indiana who can’t be more than three singing “Ain’t No Homo Gonna Make it to Heaven” to a wildly cheering crowd of adults and children.

As Bruni notes, it is important to see these videos because especially those of us who live in certain parts of the country can get lulled into complacency that this vile hatred and prejudice is not still out there.

Tellingly, when I searched for “suffer the little children” on Google to confirm that was the wording of the passage in the Bible, what came up after the KJV was a link to a 1968 documentary about institutionalized child abuse at the Pennhurst State Hospital in Pennsylvania.

[Bruni: Hatred You Can Hum To]

“[Public] game management is the last bastion of communism.” —James Kroll of Nacogdoches, Texas, now Wisconsin’s white-tailed deer trustee, or “Deer Czar”. [Lodi Valley News, via @dave_jamieson]

Georgia State Rep. Terry England has managed to outdo Stinque’s Department of Lady-Bits’ previous Georgia highlight, the Peach State Uterus Police with a new piece of legislation that made my jaw drop, which is saying something, given I’m at least a Lieutenant or a One Star General in the Lady-Bits Army.

Rep. England splained on the floor of the Georgia Legislature that women who learn they are carrying a fetus that has died or is near death should carry the festering fetus around inside of them, because that’s what cows and pigs do.  Oh, and he knows somebody named Jethro who is a cockfighter who will give up all of his chickens if the ladies just stop killing the unborn zygotes.

/face palm, head smash, great concern about Reporter Cub’s sanity

Video after the jump

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