“Former Pennsylvania Gov. Ed Rendell said on Monday he doesn’t believe Hillary Clinton is ready to retire from public life and the possibility of someday becoming the first female president ‘would probably be too much for her to resist.'” [Politico]
Hillary Clinton has written off $13.2 million she loaned to her campaign. She still owes $5.4 million to Mark Penn, who astonishingly has yet to be nominated for a Stinque Award.
Clinton Writes Off $13.2 Million Loan to Campaign [Bloomberg]
Programming informs us that the miniseries was such a success, a full-season pickup will be announced Monday. In a hilarious upcoming scene previewed for the entertainment media, everybody reaches for the 3 a.m. call at once.
NOJO • A Kind of Hash @¡Andrew!: Not yet, but I’m sure I can borrow one from a neighbor on the…
¡ANDREW! • A Kind of Hash @nojo: Oh wow! Congratulations on the move. Hope it's going well. I assume that you now have a…
MANCHUCANDIDATE • A Kind of Hash For the Ex-Mo contingent... https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=B1W0pDpDBqE
NOJO • A Kind of Hash @¡Andrew!: Never made it, and too late now — I’ve been in Brooklyn since May.
¡ANDREW! • A Kind of Hash @nojo: So, have you dined at Casa Bonita yet? It seems to be the primary cause of mass insanity in…
¡ANDREW! • A Kind of Hash I hope Taylor Swift figured out a way to unleash her flying monkeys/army of lawyers against Tr666p…
MANCHUCANDIDATE • A Kind of Hash Team Kamala/Walz/Swifty
NOJO • A Kind of Hash Nothing in my life goes to waste.
¡ANDREW! • Harris-Kelly ’24 Happy Labor Day to all the Losers and the Suckers and the Haters MERRY CHRISTMAS!!!