
If you’re not tearing up by the end, you’re not human:

It’s pretty amazing that a U.S. manufacturer is on the cutting edge of this technology. Sure, the Nissan Leaf is arguably more advanced, but the Volt’s range is limited only by your ability to stay awake:

And if you want evidence that someone other than GM thinks the car is great, here’s an owner testimonial:

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Funny how the voice-over guy mispronounces “Lamborghini” – and the only way that the otherwise-impressive Lamborghini Miura would hit 190 mph is if you dropped it out of a plane.

This car simply fascinates me. In California, it’ll cost about 25 grand after federal and state tax credits. About 8 hours to charge it at home, 30 minutes at the charging stations Nissan is installing in the four states it which it will initially be sold.  If Zipcar in NYC gets one, I’ll be first in line.

So it is official – Nissan makes the only two cars I would have if I needed a car.

The Ferrari 458 Italia starts to dive for the apex as Allan McNish in the Audi R18 tries to pass on the inside, coming in too fast:

The thing that fascinates me most? McNish’s Audi R18 LeMans car is a turbodiesel – very unusual as most racing cars run on something similar to jet fuel. It’s a V6 in fact, turbocharged to within an inch of its life.

It’s a Tesla. Best vanity plate ever:


“The Obama administration has floated a transportation authorization bill that would require the study and implementation of a plan to tax automobile drivers based on how many miles they drive.” Except the story says they didn’t. [The Hill]