DUCKY! DUCKY! Did you see Putincakes?

Per usual the American press gets it completely sideways when confronted by complete and UTTER FUCKING EVIL.

Trumpligula’s first official act as president is to praise a criminally insane Soviet-era communist party psychopath who has gotten control of Kazakhstan where the Trump operation is likely providing laundering services for organized crime.

Then Flynn has a mysterious conversation with a Russian ambassador to assure him of policy changes he can count on under a Trumpligula administration. Reporters are all over themselves pointing out inconsistencies in the statements by Melissa McCarthy impersonator Sean Spicer and insane crack-addled harpy face-biter Kellyann Conway.

Not a month into the Reign of Fuckface, US intelligence agencies are putting the White House on blackout status because the fucking place is so obviously owned by the fucking FSB.


Only Congressional geezer in residence, Democrat Elijah Cummings got it right and framed the story correctly: What did FUCKFACE Von CLOWNSTICK know and when did he know it?

Given what we know about Trumpligula’s laundering interests for Russian and Kazakhstan mobsters, the obvious question is when did FUCKFACE Von CLOWNSTICK instruct Flynn to suck off the Russian ambassador regarding sanctions repeal and ask him to hide the savage, face-bruising blow job from Jesufascist in Residence Pence.

If CNN cared about journalism, they’d hire Rosie O’Donnell to show up at White House briefings naked, smeared in transmission fluid to bark these questions two inches from the nose of Melissa McCarthy imitator Sean Spicer.

Flynn is not a mover and shaker and as a military lifer is not someone you’d expect to take the initiative on anything besides calculating the terms of his retirement pay out. Freelancing a meeting with a Russian ambassador to massage his balls lovingly and assure him that the massive, jaw-dislocating blow job regarding sanctions is on the way does not sound like 1) something he would want to bother to do on his own initiative and 2) something he could by any measure be able to put on the table from his position in the NSC b-squad.

In fact, instruction to deliver this kind of discussion could only have come from Trumpligula himself or his controller, sick and twisted apocalyptician in residence Steve Bannon.

My money is on the metrosexual trust fund twit and organized crime money launderer FUCKFACE Von CLOWNSTICK.


Yes, to answer the headline question.

Putzer just went down in flames, thank the FSM.

@¡Andrew!: James Urbaniak: “Puzder Withdraws was the worst Updike novel.”

Alas, Twitter doesn’t have a Blowjob Button.

@nojo: Some of my fave dikileaks that’ve emerged:

1. Twitler gave hell to Australian PM Malcolm Turnbull because he didn’t bother with any kind of briefing and didn’t know that the Aussie “Liberal” party means liberal only in the economic sense–they’re actually Oz’s conservative right-wingers, and Turnbull is a former Goldman Sachs managing director/major league a$$hole.

2. Twitler staff constantly misspelled British PM Theresa May’s name as “Teresa” sans-the-h, apparently conflating her with a yuuugely-chested, notorious British porn star. You can’t make this shit up!!!

And these are (were?) our allies!

3. Thankfully, political rockstar and my backup huzband JTru escaped unscathed, though I’m sure dozens of people slipped hastily and covertly scribbled HELP ME messages to him on his way out the door.

@¡Andrew!: Did you see the pics of the 1st daughter daddy would do looking at Trudeau like, I’ll get naked right here, right now?

@JNOV: I know very little of the sleazy Trump spawn, and what I do know I find absolutely revolting. I’d claw that Trimbo’s eyes out for dragging her STD-riddled carcass within a mile of mah mayuhn.

@¡Andrew!: Heh.

And now, the intelligence community keeps info from Trump because he talks too damn much.

Oh, and yeah – this here Chainsaw article – Trump laundering $ for fucking Kazakhstan – would NOT be shocked.

Um, Saw, how did you come up with “FUCKFACE Von CLOWNSTICK”?

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