What Kind of Balls Don’t Bounce?

Title: “Things That Matter: Three Decades of Passions, Pastimes and Politics”

Author: Charles Krauthammer

Rank: 2

Blurb: “Provides children ages 7-10 many hours of fun and laughter.”

Review: “My 8yo son carried this book around with him. Even slept with it! He had his nose stuck in it, occasionally looking up to tell me a joke but mostly just enjoying giggling at the humor that is perfect for the older elementary set.”

Customers Also Bought: “What Do You Hear When Cows Sing?”

Footnote: The Management apologizes for confusing Mr. Krauthammer’s book with #6 Laugh-Out-Loud Jokes for Kids. Those responsible have been sacked.

Things That Matter [Amazon]

Buy or Die [Stinque@Amazon Kickback Link]


I didn’t coin the phrase “dumber than a bag of Krauthammers” (sadly) but this might be genesis.

@blogenfreude: You should check out my definition on Urban Dictonary from back in the day:


It’s the second one. I feel it captures the nuances of his legacy perfectly.

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