So You Think You Can Read?

Title: “How to Read Literature Like a Professor: A Lively and Entertaining Guide to Reading Between the Lines”

Author: Thomas C. Foster

Rank: 66

Blurb: “What does it mean when a fictional hero takes a journey? Shares a meal? Gets drenched in a sudden rain shower? Often, there is much more going on in a novel or poem than is readily visible on the surface — a symbol, maybe, that remains elusive, or an unexpected twist on a character — and there’s that sneaking suspicion that the deeper meaning of a literary text keeps escaping you.”

Review: “HIGHLY RECOMMENDED, FUN & EASY TO READ according to my 15 year old daughter, a soon-to-be high school sophomore, in the Advanced Placement Program at her school. Her goal is to be a History Professor and she recommends this book to ANY STUDENT IN HIGH SCHOOL(or above)! She loves that the book is so easy to read; but most especially, that it helps her, & other students, see assignments from their instructor’s point of view so they know WHAT THEIR TEACHERS WANT from their writing & their analysis of books read.”

Customers Also Bought: “Catch-22: 50th Anniversary Edition”, by Joseph Heller

Footnote: And once you’ve learned how to game the academic system, you’re ready for How to Write Literature Like an MFA Student.

How to Read Literature Like a Professor [Fuck Amazon]

Sometimes a metaphor is just a simile.

I like the alternate, nay literary, review:

“The weakness of the book is that the author doesn’t really delve deeply enough into other important aspects such as Character development, Plot devices, structure of the novel among other things. He’s thematic discussions, too, are at times somewhat shallow,

Nonetheless, it is a worthwhile book that certainly deserves to read.”

Yes, the book most certainly “deserves to read”.

Exactly why I didn’t major in English.

@Mistress Cynica:

I did major in English. I read amazing literature I would otherwise never have read. I learned how to write, something I’ll always appreciate.

However, the things I had to write about were pretty damn twisted. When in doubt, a weird symbol was always good for five pages – ten if it connected with the Bible.

what? thomas foster never went to 7th grade and read Lord of the Flies?

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