Bad Encounters With a Trick for $400, Alex
Alex Trebek, host of the game show Jeopardy, was injured early Tuesday as he chased a burglar at the Marriott Marquis hotel in San Francisco. The no longer mustachioed Trebek managed to rally later on Wednesday to be a judge in National Geographic’s geography bee at Googleplex Ground Zero 40 miles down the Peninsula.*
According to Trebek: “It happened at 2:30 a.m., chasing a burglar down the hallway of my San Francisco hotel, when my Achilles tendon ruptured and I then fell on carpet, bruising the other leg in process. Surgery on Friday.”
A 56-year-old suspect, Lucinda Moyers of San Francisco, was arrested. Purses and wallets taken from Mr. Trebek’s room were found by the ice machine.
[SF Chronicle]
* No information was provided as to whether on Wednesday morning Mr. Trebek hopped on one of those annoying private buses that clog the streets of the Mission and the Castro ferrying hipsters down 101 to the Googleplex — buses that cause your SF correspondent to engage what is referred to as “The Jersey Horn” and “The Jersey Finger” in driving education parlance.
I love that even his quote sounds like a Jeaopardy! question.
Also, what was he doing with “purses and wallets” (plural) in his room?
A 56 year old hooker? What, did he think she was 52?
@RomeGirl: There was another person in the room in bed with him.
@Dodgerblue: He’s 71, I dunno.
Isn’t he gay? I was sure he was. Mind you, I tend to think everyone is.
@Benedick HRH KFC: What? No gaydar?
@SanFranLefty: Must have been a fashion plate, what with the multiple purses and wallets. LOL
The mugshot of the woman SFPD arrested could be the poster child for “Faces of Meth” — still unclear how she got in their room.
@Benedick HRH KFC: The unofficial mantra of San Francisco is “gay until proven straight” – so he fits right in. He was with his wife, however.
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