Harridan at the Gate

Title: “Of Thee I Zing: America’s Cultural Decline from Muffin Tops to Body Shots”

Authors: Laura Ingraham and Raymond Arroyo

Rank: 48

Blurb: “While Laura Ingraham was walking through a Northern Virginia shopping mall one Saturday afternoon, it all became clear to her. Everywhere she turned, she saw signs of the impending disaster: zombie teens texting each other across a café table; a man having his eyebrows threaded at a kiosk; a fiftyish woman shoe-horned into a tube top and skinny jeans; and a storefront ad featuring a Victoria’s Secret model spilling out of her push-up bra and into the faces of young passersby.”

Review: “Watch any old movie from the 30’s, 40’s or 50’s and everyone is wearing dresses, suits, ties, etc. Very few flip-flops, tank tops and tattoo’s. And we are getting numb to vulgarity.”

Customers Also Bought: “After America: Get Ready for Armageddon”, by Mark Steyn

Footnote: Speaking from experience, we’re inclined to agree: Life was better before AM radio was polluted by the likes of Laura Ingraham.

Of Thee I Zing [Fuck Amazon]

Who is this, now?

Hey, noje. Happy Sandy Eggo Pride! Party hearty, big guy.

Sure Laura – we’ll trade you ’50s morality in exchange for ’50s economics: a unionized workforce, reasonable CEO pay, massively regulated banks, and a 90% top tax rate.

Oh wait, I guess she’s only worried about *some* sorts of vulgarity…

Poor pitiful Laura. Born 60+ years after her time. I’m sure her local WalMart would give her the vapors, also and too.

Does she write this in that whiney Seinfeld voice… “What’s the deal with… /fill-in-the-blank/?”

Seriously she shouldn’t quit her day job… whatever the hell that is.

@al2o3cr: Werd.

Vulgarity: What other people do.

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