Today in Wingnut Pants-Wetting

[CNN, National Journal]

I think CNN was being far too charitable with that headline; it should have read:

“28 percent of people CLAIMING to be Americans need to get their traitorous asses out of the fucking country”

Maybe that version was too long. :)

Clear signs that we’d better push the schedule for Armageddon up immediately before there’s nobody left for the rapture. We all know God would never ever take Muslims or Catholics.

Someday my children, and especially my grandchildren, are going to wonder what went wrong with my Baby Boomer generation. I hope I’m around long enough to try to answer some of their questions.

@Dave H:

Clear signs that we’d better push the schedule for Armageddon up immediately before there’s nobody left for the rapture.

I’m free Saturday.

Nothing makes me happier than seeing Puke University having its ass handed to them.

I’d say the Natives, Blacks, Hispanics and later the Asian railway “laborers” might have an issue with Pat.

Note to Pat, it wasn’t all that long ago that REAL US Americans didn’t consider Irish one of them. Dumbass.

“All right… we’ll give some land to the niggers and the chinks. But we don’t want the Irish!”

I didn’t want to pick puke. I felt pain picking them, but now SDSU got flushed by UCONN, I don’t care anymore.

Sweet Zombie Jeebus, I never thought I’d say this but…

Help me Ohio/Kansas, you’re my only hope*

*translation… my only 2 final 4 picks left.

Casa RML is way fuckin’ Hispanic. Mrs RML is at least 50 percent, and Son of RML is .25, and there’s three of us with RML being 100 percent Indian so, . . . someone else can do the maths.

I am quite confident in my pick – esp b/c no one else picked FLORIDA! Heh.

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