Sometimes a Cigar is Just a Politically Incorrect Bad Influence
As we run to the store for a six-pack prepare for tonight’s Oval Office speech, comes news from across the pond that their goalie still sucks one of their Great Leaders has been airbrushed:
In the well-known original image, Churchill makes a “V” shaped symbol with his fingers — while gripping a cigar in the corner of his mouth.
But in a reproduction of the picture, hanging over the main entrance to a London museum celebrating the wartime leader, he has been made into a non-smoker through the use of image-altering techniques.
It is unclear who is responsible for doctoring the photograph, with the museum — The Winston Churchill’s Britain at War Experience — claiming not to have noticed the cigar was missing.
We suspect Smokin’ Barry of swiping the stogy.
Winston Churchill’s cigar airbrushed from picture [Telegraph UK]
saw this earlier. lame.
also, if you are gonna do it . . .
its a pretty crappy airbrush job.
Looks a little too much like Benny Hill without the cigar.
First we have to euthanize the mice and now this?? Do we need any more proof that the Englaish are not to be trusted?
@Serolf Divad:
its Bennie Hill
I blame Mayor-for-Life Bloomberg.
NOJO • The Reckoning Four years later: Uhhh, how’d that work out?
JNOV • Hanging by a Thread @nojo: yeah. I had a feeling you’d say that.
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JNOV • Hanging by a Thread Oh! My edits worked! Praise nojo!
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NOJO • The Values We Profess @nojo: Also, I love saying stuff like “heading uptown”. Brooklyn is fun!