Truth to Glowers
“Obama, addressing a Democratic National Committee (DNC) fundraiser in Miami, did little to endear himself to the Tea Party groups protesting around the country, saying ‘they should be saying thank you’ because of the tax cuts he has signed into law.” [The Hill]
Get that everyone? Obama “did little to endear himself” to the Tebaggers by pointing out that he’s already implemented tax cuts just like the one’s they’re demanding.
Let’s face it, though, the Teabaggers are really only guided by one principle: defeat Obama. It doesn’t matter what he does or says. It’s impossible to endear yourself to someone whose sole purpose in life its to destroy you.
See, I think he just said that to piss them off…
Dang. Serolf hit it right on the head.
Most Teabaggers will never vote for Barry.
I think the media is sillier making these guys to be more important then they really are, but they were always a media creation to begin with.
@Tommmcatt Loves The Giant Floating Head:
Barry: [hailing Teabaggers] This is Preznit Barry. We tried it once your way, Teabaggers, are you game for a rematch? Teabaggers, I’m laughing at the “REAL US Americans!”
Teabaggers: Full impulse power!
Fox: No, sir! Remember November! You can vote GOP…
Teabaggers: [pushes Fox away in anger] FULL POWER! DAMN YOU!
Give ’em hell, Barry.
you know, I saw the NYTimes poll yesterday saying that the tea baggers are edumacated but if thats true what explains this
@Capt Howdy:
Someone pointed out the likely support of IT, SW guys and engineers, who are very conservative politically (usually in large part to their limited knowledge of political issues leading to Randism.)
Plus we don’t spell gud.
good point. I sit across the hall from one. he is wearing cammo today.
@ManchuCandidate: Yeah, last night before my grad school class I had to listen to rants about teh socialisms. It didn’t help that the university is located in Phil Gingrey’s district.
The educated ones are too busy *working* to spend all day waving misspelled signs. All that shows up at the rallies are the “I don’t need a job, I’m getting ready for the race war” and the “socialism is bad, now give me my disability / SSI / Social Security check” crowds.
On the programmer side, there’s a lot of variation. Most of the folks I work with are pretty progressive, but that may be a selection effect of working in a small office. There’s also the whole free software thing, which has got to just bend the Randroids into little pretzels.
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