Not Performing at Halftime
Title: “I Am Ozzy”
Authors: Ozzy Osbourne and Chris Ayres
Rank: 19
Blurb: “People ask me how come I’m still alive, and I don’t know what to say.”
Review: “How could Ozzy write a book? He’s dyslexic and doesn’t read. Well, how can he write songs if he’s musically illiterate and doesn’t play an instrument?”
Customers Also Bought: “Capitalism and Freedom,” by Milton Friedman
Footnote: What? He doesn’t narrate the audiobook version?
I Am Ozzy [Amazon]
Buy or Die [Stinque@Amazon kickback link]
Ozzy is the human equivalent of what an economy looks like after Uncle Milty’s crazy eyed low tax and low wage acolytes do their thing.
There are quite a few celebrities that I could care less about, and Ozzy is one of them.
Black Sabbath is my higher power.
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