When Posts Attack

Redrum! Redrum!

We don’t like to admit breaking a sweat, but last night we spent a couple of hours working up a deliciously vituperative post about what appeared to be a soldier-exploiting scheme to sell books. It was so vituperative that we triple-checked facts to make sure our premise wasn’t wildly off the mark.

And wouldn’t you know, just as we were ready to click Publish — we finally found the crucial fact that undermined everything.

But while the post’s villain (hello, WND!) must await another opportunity, the post’s hero doesn’t deserve to be buried in our frustration.

That hero would be Give2TheTroops, a nonprofit organization that collects and mails care packages to soldiers overseas. From what we can tell, Give2TheTroops are good folks, starting out of a garage in 2002 and evolving into a proper 501(c)(3) by 2004. With only five part-time employees (and more than a thousand volunteers), they mailed 40,000 packages — about 65 pounds each — in 2008, spending $143,931 on shipping and $121,253 on storage.

Those numbers are important. They need stuff to mail. They also need the money to mail it.

The point of the Demon Post was that you should skip the book-buying scheme (which still doesn’t look totally kosher) and support Give2TheTroops directly. Their list of most-requested items from soldiers includes beef jerky, coffee, hand sanitizer, DVDs, batteries, video games, t-shirts, socks, phone cards — even dog treats.

But if you insist on spreading the joy with an autographed Chuck Norris book — well, his share of the profits are going to the Kickstart kids program, an important fact that took us forever to find. Whether WorldNetDaily and publisher Tyndale House are as generous with their cuts is something we still can’t determine.


If I were a soldier and I got something that stupid then I’d think someone would be fucking with me or wonder if they really do support the troops. There is stupid and then there is WND.

I guess Chuck’s “ponderings” would be useful as toilet paper or firestarter.


In a Malaria Hot Spot, Growing Resistance to a Key Drug

While I’m normally pretty opposed to the death penalty, whoever’s making the counterfeit pills in the article seems like a prime candidate. Not only because of the people that may die directly, but because of the threat of creating a drug-resistant strain of malaria. That’s a “global population threat” kinda thing…

Look at you, Nojo — researching your facts before you post. Precious.

@chicago bureau: Ain’t I adorable? But you don’t go with “The Official Chuck Norris Slut Post” unless you’re damn sure of the facts.

Rock on, Nojo. I know it’s just a matter of time before your diligent efforts break open a scandal that will catapult you to well-deserved fame infamy. Just don’t forget us little folks when Keith O is on the phone.

Side tangent: I learned yesterday that vets, active military and civilians alike are all equally shocked by the fact that Chuck is sporting some new hair. You’ll notice that a day later, he put a lid on it.

Threaded alert: DO NOT LISTEN TO THE AUDIO, just enjoy watch the image.

@Just Nabisco: You just know that if you fuck with Chuck, they’ll be Hell toupee.

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