Let Us Prey

Your all-purpose metaphor.

WorldNetDaily must be reading our mind:

The second they heard about the Fort Hood massacre, millions of thinking Americans wondered in their gut: “Oh God, is this another crazy Muslim terrorist carrying out a one-man jihad, as has happened so many times before?”

Actually, our early wondering was whether the Adkisson Brigades had been activated for Guy Fawkes Day. Then, as “multiple shooters” were mentioned, we considered Seven Days in May. Our actual gut reaction when we heard the shooter’s name was “Oh fuck.” Followed minutes later by “envisioning tonight’s very ugly WND headline.”

As in: “Oh God, is this shooting going to result in another crazy anti-Muslim jihad, as has happened so many times before?”

The rush to exploit a tragedy for political point-scoring and book sales is something we’ve already noted, and will continue to note as particularly egregious examples come to our attention. (They’re all egregious on the face of it, but we must be selective.) But the question we posed Saturday morning — Did Hasan act alone? — remains top of mind.

So: What do we know Tuesday morning that we didn’t know three days ago?

Answer: Nothing conclusive.

We’re learning more about Anwar al-Aulaqi, an imam at the San Diego mosque attended by two of the 9/11 hijackers, and later an imam at the Virginia mosque where Hasan worshipped. Aulaqi applauded Thursday’s shootings in a blog post Monday. But Aulaqi, a U.S. citizen who was strongly suspected in the 9/11 plot but never charged, left the country seven years ago and now lives in Yemen. A spokesman for the Virginia mosque called his statement “really disgraceful.” And even Pete Hoekstra says that Aulaqi’s two known responses to Hasan “were maybe pretty innocent.”

The difficulty with assessing the information that’s come to light is that Hasan was a devout Muslim and a psychiatrist in training. So much of what we’ve seen could have been the work of a man attempting to profile jihadists instead of seeking to join them — which was apparently the conclusion of authorities who looked into reports at the time.

And in this case, investigators are telling the AP that “they have no evidence that Hasan had help or outside orders in the shootings.”

It’s possible, based on the known facts to date, that we’re looking at a politically motivated lone wolf. It’s just as possible, looking at the same facts, that Hasan is a lone wolf who cracked for some other reason. We don’t really know. And anybody who claims otherwise, now as Thursday afternoon, is just exploiting the blood of dead soldiers for their own ends. Including grandstanding senators from Connecticut.

Investigators: Fort Hood suspect acted alone [AP]

Hasan e-mails to cleric didn’t warrant inquiry [WaPo]

What’s behind America’s politically correct ‘love’ of Islam? [WND]


I’m a little confused about all the wrangling over whether or not this was an act of “terrorism.” Seems to me that based on what we know this was a series of politically motivated killings, no different in substance, really, from any number of attacks on abortion clinics. To that extent, of course it is an act of “terrorism.”

What it doesn’t appear to be is an act perpetrated by an organized group with a fairly well defined command structure.

Considering that most such similar massacres were perpetrated by white “christian” males that maybe law enforcement should focus on them.

Oh, you mean non whites only?

Oh okay.

That’s some great reporting WhiteNutDaily.

TJ: Politico does it wrong.

Either that, or the comment about “having a headwind at their back” means that they’re acknowledging that Repubs have no idea where they’re going. That, or that they go everywhere ass-first, which seems to be true (at least metaphorically).

They were never designed to be anything but a GOPer front.

I still remember that “brilliant” analrapist on how Barry and the Demrats couldn’t:
1) Win in 2008
2) Get Trade/Cap passed
3) Wouldn’t even get a vote on HC

Dave Gaubatz, who wrote “The Muslim Mafia” and inspired the Muslim Congressional Aide witchhunt, has publicly called for a pogrom against Muslims (from TPM):

“Politicians, Muslims, and law enforcement are concerned about a ‘backlash’ against Muslims. Now is the time for a professional and legal backlash against the Muslim community and their leaders. Muslims know what materials are being taught in their mosques and they know many of the materials instruct young Muslims to kill innocent people who do not adhere to Sharia law. If Muslims do not want a backlash, then I would recommend a “house cleaning.” Stack every Saudi, al Qaeda, Pakistani, Taliban, Hamas, and Muslim Brotherhood piece of material from their mosque and have a bonfire. Tell the American, Jewish, and Muslim community this hatred will no longer be allowed in their mosques.”

Isn’t that nice?

@al2o3cr: Its an ill wind that doesn’t blow someone good, or something, right?

One either says “They have a tailwind” (adding “at their back is redundant) or one says “They have the wind at their back.” That is, if one wants to write in stilted old cliches.

I don’t think they could have got it more wrong. To swing for “stilted cliche'” and strike out.

I’m glad someone mentioned Joe Lie and his bullshit. I heard that on the radio yesterday and wanted to punch something. Yes, let’s launch an investigation into whether or not the sky is purple. The sky might be purple, people!

@Serolf Divad: Full agreement, given the provisional if. If the motivation is political, then it’s a terrorist act, as was Adkisson and the Tiller assassination. No conspiracy required.

But I’m still holding back on that if. Knowing that a murderer produced the Powerpoint presentation (and perhaps the Scribd post) casts a different light on the material than would be evident at the time. I’ll grant the likelihood, but not yet the certainty.

@IanJ: The sky is purple twice a day.

from WSJ: Catholics affecting health care battle with abortion opposition.

Also: RNC member from Idaho resigns over stalking conviction

Islam is not a religion – Pat Robertson


Neither is what he does.

“The God I believe in is not short of cash.” – Bono.

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