Bachmann to Blame?

michelleBThis seems to have gotten past everyone:

WASHINGTON — The FBI is investigating the hanging death of a U.S. Census worker near a Kentucky cemetery. A law enforcement official says the word “fed” was scrawled on his chest.

The body of Bill Sparkman, a 51-year-old Census field worker and occasional teacher, was found Sept. 12 in the Daniel Boone National Forest in rural southeast Kentucky.

Remember when Michele stirred up the wingnuts? Wonder if there’s a connection.

AP Source: Census Worker Hanged With ‘Fed’ on Body



There couldn’t possibly be a connection – after all, everyone knows that proclaiming, “THEY ARE GOING TO PUT YOU IN A CAMP” never drove anybody to violence… :)

What a patriot:

In a column for, action star and conservative activist Chuck Norris calls on tea partiers to stop using the modern American flag as a means of protest against the current administration. And if you insist on using the 50-star flag, well, you can buy a tea-stained one for just $73.50 to show “solidarity with our Founders.”

Ooh, Bloggie, you guys are linky today. They are good ones though.

Apologies to Howard Jones (No one ever is to blame)

You can be the leader but you just can’t lead
You can say those words but you don’t have a thought
You can scream ’bout evil in the Census but you can’t count the people
You can yell for punishment but you make a habit of sin
And you want to kill and she wants you to
We want everyone (dead)
And you want to and she wants you to
No one, no one, no one ever is to blame (unless it’s Libtards or the Dixie Chicks)


I totally want to do that Asian kid in the “Be a Young Conservative Douchebag” ad.

But that goes without saying, I guess.


Ol’ Chuck’s “tea stained flag” is even funnier when you realize that the “flag desecration amendment” that Republicans tried to pass pretty much every Congressional session since ’95 would make said flag illegal.

Bloggie, I posted something about this murder last week. The federal government has kept an airtight lid on the story for over a week until some KY trooper spoke out of turn today.

TJ: A reminder that the Liberal vs. Conservative wars in the US aren’t necessarily the biggest game in town – presenting the still armed Russian Doomsday device.

@Dave H: It’s interesting that it popped out on the liberal blogosphere so late. And if you see something I should jump on, please email me. Or nojo. I always welcome an intervention.

@Dave H:
First Blazing Saddles, now Dr Strangelove.

“Of course, the whole point of a Doomsday Machine is lost, if you *keep* it a *secret*! Why didn’t you tell the world, EH?”

If Bachmann had the courage of her convictions she would be begging the killer for the honor of having his baby.

@Tommmcatt is hunkered down in the trenches: There was a fetching young woman in the “take back your university” ad that I saw. This suggests that Google knows more about us than we think.

‘Doomsday Device’ please! I saw Moose Murders. I know from Doomsday Devices.

@al2o3cr: It wasn’t so long ago (oh, maybe early ’08, but I can’t find the link now — did Cynics’ Party purge their history?) that the threat of FEMA camps put some of us into a tittering frenzy.

Of course it wasn’t racist violence we contemplated; rather, it was all about how to pimp our cells with Frette sheets and stage camp musicals and offer helpful suggestions for improving the cafeteria food with fresh, local, organic ingredients.

Anyway I don’t care what the intentions behind the construction of those camps were, fact is they were started under the Bush regime and they remain an extremely creepy concept. And the Gestapo tactics at some of the refugee camps for Katrina victims doesn’t bode well.

First they came for the Teabaggers…

@Pedonator: CP posts should all be there, but the dog ate the comments.

@Dodgerblue: Google apparently knows I’m broke as a joke: I get nothing but the orange ING Savings ad.

@blogenfreude: Dave can correct me, but I’m not sure “FED” was mentioned last week. We knew it was a Census worker, but the circumstances were unclear.

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