
Gov. Haley Barbour dined with a handful of senior Republican strategists Monday night in Washington, a gathering certain to further stoke talk of the Mississippi Republican’s interest in a 2012 race.

Two words:

Phil Gramm.


oh please oh please oh please oh please….

Hey – Boris Yeltsin!

@Dodgerblue: I know conservative, God-fearing Republicans in MS who hate his ass for being a total slug.

He’s Phil Gramm with more hair. He’s Fred Thompson without the hot wife. He’ll be wandering around, grazing, mooing, and trying to figure out why he wants to be preznit.

So maybe it’s not such a bad idea.

Is he as lazy as Fred is?

My problem is that I don’t have any Haily Barbor movie quotes that I can butcher.

@Dodgerblue: I think they’re both top of the ticket names. I don’t think he could aim quite that high. But perhaps Vitter could be persuaded. Although my personal delight would know no bounds if we could learn that he is courting Inhofe.

With that in mind I must now go and skip about the garden.

Well, at this point, they’re looking for a willing patsy. At least he’ll be adequately cushioned.

Gov. Haley Barbour dined withon a handful of senior Republican strategists Monday night.


Hey, how do I do that inset text thingy for four lines of text or more? There must be a manual around here somewhere…

ADD: Nope, not in “Stinque Help”. Anyone? Bueller?

@Nabisco: Do a blockquote (one word, no spaces) tag, same as you’d do for any other kind of formatting.


Like this?

Fuck Charles Krauthammer!Fuck Charles Krauthammer!Fuck Charles Krauthammer!Fuck Charles Krauthammer!Fuck Charles Krauthammer!Fuck Charles Krauthammer!Fuck Charles Krauthammer!Fuck Charles Krauthammer!Fuck Charles Krauthammer!Fuck Charles Krauthammer!Fuck Charles Krauthammer!

Add: It Works!

I don’t get it. What’s Phil Gramm have to do with the fat one?

@Jamie Sommers: Same campaign trajectory. Raise lots of money, then FAIL.

Into this power vacuum now inhabited by clowns, will step an opportunist.

The moment to fear, but also to rejoice in, will be when Palin and Giuliani make common cause, oh, that will be the day, Giuliani will be completely unable to keep himself from fucking her, she will be completely unable to keep from fucking him, the union of two so utterly corrupt narcissists, it is a consummation devoutly to be wished, it truly is, the tawdriness and stupidity that will erupt, oh please let it be, let it be.

@Promnight: Ewww. If I dream about Ferret-Face and Talibunny humping tonight, I swear you’re getting the therapy bills.

@Promnight: They could split their make-up (though he wears much much more than she does; and not just when he’s in drag)! And stylist. Think of the savings! Synergy at work. True, she probably thinks he’s an idolatrous heathen who is going straight to hell but the fundies never let their religion get in the way of their looting politics.

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