Friday Night Pestorking Dump

Our in-box is, um, swelling with tips, and without a flattened Chinese Sex Park commanding our attention, now seems a good moment for some Holiday Weekend cleaning:

  • Congratulations to Jenyne Butterfly, Miss USPDF 2009! And to the other entrants of the U.S. Pole Dance Federation championships, better luck next year! (Via RML)
  • Can’t wait for Miss USPDF 2010? Good news! Miami takes on Chicago in their season opener for the Lingerie Football League in September. (Via RML. Again. We’re telling Mrs. RML.)

  • Despite the recent splendor in the grass outside Windsor Castle, England still has its grand Victorian traditions to maintain. Such as banning naked lawn gnomes.
  • All’s well that ends well for Mary Kay Letourneau, who now has two daughters with her husband/former sixth-grade student, and a gig greeting folks at “Hot for Teacher” night.
  • Don’t drink and drive and fuck.

That should do it. And remember to clean your mouse when you’re done.


RE: Mary Kay: I find it warms the cockles that her sixth-grade (now 26-year old) lover is now and still her husband. Who says Cougars can’t sustain lasting relationships with their young prey?

RE: Drunk driver-fucker: the fact that this happened in a town called Darwin calls for some kind of award, don’t you think? Or at least a nomination.

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