Our Unreconstructed Felons
Title: “Stealing America: What My Experience with Criminal Gangs Taught Me about Obama, Hillary, and the Democratic Party”
Author: Dinesh D’Souza
Rank: 507 (Politics rank: 35)
Epically Self-Righteous Blurb:
In the fall of 2014, outspoken author and filmmaker Dinesh D’Souza found himself hauled into federal court for improperly donating money to an old friend’s Senate campaign. D’Souza pleaded guilty and was sentenced to eight months in a state-run confinement center. There he lived among hardened criminals — drug dealers, thieves, gangbangers, rapists, and murderers. Now the bestselling author explains how this experience not only changed his life, but fundamentally transformed his view of his adopted country.
Previously, D’Souza had seen America through the eyes of a grateful immigrant who became successful by applying and defending conservative principles. Again and again, D’Souza made the case that America is an exceptional nation, fundamentally fair and just. In book after book, he argued against liberalism as though it were a genuine movement of ideas capable of being engaged and refuted.
But his prolonged exposure to the criminal underclass provided an eye-opening education in American realities. In the view of hardened criminals, D’Souza learned, America is anything but fair and just. Instead, it is a jungle in which various armed gangs face off against one another, with the biggest and most powerful gangs inhabiting the federal government. As for American liberalism, it is not a movement of ideas at all but a series of scams and cons aimed at nothing less than stealing the entire wealth of the nation, built up over more than two centuries: the total value of the homes, the lifelong savings of the people, the assets of every industry, and all the funds allocated to health and education and every other service, both public and private. “The thieves I am speaking about want all of it.”
And who are the leading figures in this historically ambitious scam that has turned the federal government into a vast and unprecedented shakedown scheme? Why, none other than Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton — the current leaders of the Democratic Party. This pair of smooth-talking con artists, trained in the methods of radical activist Saul Alinsky, have taken his crude but effective political shakedown techniques to a level even he never dreamed of.
Review: “Dinesh talks about his time under house arrest but he had to spend every night in detention with criminals who were on their way from prison. He had to spend every Sunday locked up all day and all night until 6:30 am on Monday.”
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Footnote: On behalf of Americans who haven’t laundered $20,000 in political contributions or cheated on a spouse, we’d like to apologize to the drug dealers, thieves, gangbangers, rapists, and murderers who were forced to spend eight months of evenings and Sundays locked up with Dinesh D’Souza.
Stealing America [Amazon]
Chained Fail
Let me guess – Regnery?
The stupid, it just burns.
@blogenfreude: Nope. Broadside Books, wingnut imprint of HarperCollins, owned by News Corp.
Speaking of unreconstructed felons, let’s take a happy holiday moment to enjoy Pharma Bro’s perp walk. Special shout out to hot Federal agent gripping his right arm. http://gawker.com/heres-your-martin-shkreli-perp-walk-schadenfreude-galle-1748514916
@Mistress Cynica: It’s incredible that he was able to pull off these scams for almost a decade. Where were the compliance officers and the regulators? There’s no one flying the plane!!
OMFG — Flying Chainsaw??
C-SPAN Caller Asks If He Can Shit In Rep. Dave Brat’s Mouth
Here I thought that I had no more fucks left to give. And now the Christmas goose of commenting:
12/17/15 2:36pmWell, can he?
The Noble Renard
12/17/15 2:41pmMay he.
A precious tear of joy just rolled down my cheek.
“a series of scams and cons aimed at nothing less than stealing the entire wealth of the nation”
Sounds like somebody spent waaaaaaay too long staring into a jailhouse mirror and confused his wingnut circles with the rest of the world.
@Mistress Cynica:
Karma delivers early
Psychological projection at it’s most pathetic, really.
@¡Andrew!: I am going to have to send up the Flying Chainsaw bat-signal to see if he needs to come claim credit for that.
@ManchuCandidate: PMILF FTW!
@ManchuCandidate: JTru, my hero.
So this is my first Dem debate. Wow, O’Malley is a fucking douchenozzle.
@SanFranLefty: David Simon says he’s made his peace, but the Wire characterization lives on.
@ManchuCandidate: Aw. That almost warms my cold dead heart.
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