We Are the Ones Who Make a Brighter Day


In this heartwarming video from North Korea, a young man dreams of taking a rocket to a Space Shuttle, gently flying around the Earth, then bombing the shit out of America.

North Korea video shows US city in flames after missile attack [Guardian UK]

Update: Well, that didn’t last long. Global scofflaw North Korea apparently lifted the elevator soundtrack of “We Are The World” from an Activision game. The silent version isn’t nearly as much fun.


If this video were actually honest then it would be about this young man who dreams of actual food like beef or cabbage not feasting on the desiccated corpses of his relatives.

Maybe they figure that they are already living at a Stone Age level and so a US threat to bomb them back to said Age is trivial.

@blogenfreude: HAHAHAHAHA!!!

I was wondering how long that soundtrack would last.

@mellbell: A Muzak version of We Are The World. Apparently lifted from an Activision game.

@nojo: The North Koreans respond to takedown notices? Hahahaha.

@nojo: I’m sure it will pop up somewhere with the soundtrack. How unlike the North Koreans to take something without paying for it.

@Dodgerblue: Copyright lawyers are scarier than nuclear bombs.

@Dodgerblue: When they post to YouTube, it’s out of their hands.

That may be the buried lede: North Korea has a YouTube channel.

@Mistress Cynica: I have a friend who is an IP lawyer for Sony/Columbia, working on movie piracy. I tease her when I go to China and ask if she’d like some really cheap DVDs. She says they don’t care about that any more because their number one threat is internet piracy.

Don’t care for the North Korean version of the Happy Ending.

@Mistress Cynica: Truer words were never spoken. How are you holding up? So sorry about your friend. Ask one of your cats to chase that black dog away?

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