The Fur Flies

We tweeted this instead of posting it yesterday, because we didn’t have it in us to publish a photo of a Dead Flying Cat.

And then we saw the video.

Cats away! Artist turns his dead pet into flying helicopter after it is killed by a car [Daily Mail UK, via @LuxMentis]


What’s not to love? You just don’t think of the UK when it comes to innovation.

@BobCens: And you still shouldn’t. The artist is Dutch.

I’m re-writing my will. Maybe they’ll be able to lift my dead weight by the time I die.

I’d like to buzz the shoobies and head east until the battery dies.

This would be the only way to get a cat to cooperate. Waiting for the live dog helicopter now.

Cat people are weird. The pugs are not amused. But they are mostly disapproving. I’m working with them on a rewrite.

@Benedick: I bet those angels would fly real good (alive, natch). Then they get to play “Doom! The Bene Version.”

Hey! I’m up to date on the Up thang. Thank you for encouraging me to continue. You’re right about the amazing transformations. Some huge letdowns and some cool surprises. Good stuff. Jr. PM is still a douche. Of course he’s Bulgarian Royalty or whatever. Explains tons, especially his disdain for govtl redistribution of wealth. Or he’s just greedy. What’s especially er rich is how he said that England’s upper crust has a duty to stay in England and use their talents there. Hmmmmmm.

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