Cake Wrecks of the Rich and Powerful

Just stumbled on this one – an image of Ann Rmoney’s birthday cake from the party/fundraiser hosted by Donald Trump.  This is downright sedate for Trump.

[Cake Wrecks]

Are the tree stumps symbolic of her husband’s economic plan?

@matador1015: I guess they’re the right height for a rapacious capitalist?

If only they were horse turds.

@blogenfreude: You should post that, lest George Tierney of Greenville South Carolina slip into oblivion and never be found by teh great gazoogle again.

@Tommmcatt May Just Have Some MJ In His System As Well, So What?: At work, but here’s my FDL comment:
blogenfreude1 May 21st, 2012 at 12:32 pm 102 “I note for the record that George Tierney of Greenville South Carolina did not call Sandra Fluke a cunt in the softer British/Australian sense Marc Maron references, but George Tierney of Greenville South Carolina called Sandra Fluke a cunt in the full-on American sense of the word. I suppose it is possible that George Tierney of Greenville South Carolina is British or Australian but my sense of George Tierney of Greenville South Carolina based on a brief review of the Twitter account of George Tierney of Greenville South Carolina is that George Tierney of Greenville South Carolina was born in South Carolina (where George Tierney of Greenville South Carolina lives) and that George Tierney of Greenville South Carolina is simply a Southern-fried asshole.”

@Tommmcatt May Just Have Some MJ In His System As Well, So What?: @blogenfreude: Wasn’t George Tierney of Greenville South Carolina paying attention when (insert name of male asshole here) posted his dick pics on teh Twiterz?

@matador1015: loved it when Christina Hendricks said all the pictures of her breasts online were hers except the one where they were exposed – (very NSFW) the internet detectives struck!


Boy, that George Tierney of Greenville, South Carolina sure doesn’t understand how the Google works, does George Tierney of Greenville, South Carolina? I hear there are online rep management organizations that could help George Tierney of Greenville, South Carolina if George Tierney of Greenville, South Carolina were willing to pay them thousands and thousands of dollars.

But I’m not even sure that would help George Tierney of Greenville, South Carolina since the name, “George Tierney,” and the location, “Greenville, South Carolina,” appear on high traffic blogs and popular Twitter streams. And people keep saying “George Tierney of Greenville, South Carolina.”


George Tierney Jr of Greenville, South Carolina

Doesn’t understand the internet, twitter, google, the law, or the fact that he shouldn’t call a woman a cunt.
See this to learn about golfer George Tierney Jr. of Greenville, South Carolina.

I hope that the friends and family of George Tierney Jr. of Greenville, South Carolina will educate George Tierney Jr. of Greenville, South Carolina on these issues, so that George Tierney Jr. of Greenville, South Carolina will not be ignorant of them.

Hahahahahaha! George Tierney Jr. of Greenville, South Carolina, SC, USA, Twitterfool

george tierney ‏@geotie2323

@HollySondersGC southern hospitality gets overlooked so much. #sad


11:07 PM – 16 May 12 via web · Details
17h Angie Rose Angie Rose ‏@the_sweetalker

@geotie2323 If I were you I wouldn’t set foot in the South. We respect our wommins here, because they can kick some serious ass.


17h Jennifer Jennifer ‏@IdaTarbellFan

@geotie2323 Hmm…All these years in crazy Cali and no one’s ever called me a Cunt before, if only we had some of that Southern Hospitality


Well, now see I should have known you kids would be up on the latest internet traditions.

George Tierney Jr. of Greenville, South Carolina is quite a guy, isn’t he? He’s a failed golf pro, he’s failed in business, and now he’s screwed the pooch by tweeting before thinking. I almost feel sorry for him, but I keep bursting out laughing so it doesn’t last long.

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