The Sound of Silence

Rush Limbaugh said on Wednesday everything was “cool” with his show despite the mass exodus of close to 50 advertisers in the wake of Slutgate.  Yet on Thursday listeners were treated to five minutes of dead air during his show. Dead air. Radio silence. Crickets.  According to Think Progress:

There were four separate instances during this afternoon’s broadcast on WABC 770 AM in New York City where the network fell silent. During the lead in to the show, two and a half minutes of silence was broken up by a single, solitary ad before Limbaugh hit the air. Then, towards the end of the first hour of Limbaugh’s three hour program, a public service announcement was followed by an additional minute of silence before Limbaugh returned. Another minute of dead air came in hour two, and a fifth minute in hour three followed that. A spokesperson for WABC wouldn’t say whether the silence was caused due to a technical glitch or Limbaugh’s fleeing sponsors.

According to Media Matters, 77 of the 86 ads aired on Thursday were free public service announcements. Of the nine paid ads, seven were from companies who are in the process of withdrawing their ads from his show.

Couldn’t happen to bigger sack of shit.


Dead air during Rush’s show? Soon his listeners will be able to hear their own thoughts–and boy will they be embarrassed.

Considering they’re so sure of themselves… probably no but it does limit their rebuttals to reality to “Oh yeah?” and “Bullshit.”

I have actually played theatres in which, during lulls (aka ‘dries’) one could hear crickets outside. Which of course made me laugh. In particular I remember playing Algy in The Importance in Sharon CT, down the road from the Buckley ‘compound’.

It was a simpler time.

@Benedick: I saw a production of Macbeth back home in a space that had a row of windows just below the ceiling. The stage, actually a space on the floor in the front of a really nicely renovated old meeting hall, was bare except for a few risers. They were there because the fire marshal shut down the theater they were supposed to be in just days before the show. The audience sat on three sides of the performance. I can’t remember if they were bleachers or chairbacks.

It was summer, and the skies were covered by heavy clouds producing thunder, lightning and rain throughout the show. There was also an killer who escaped from jail on the run in town. All these elements, including the emergency move to the meeting hall, gave the show a real edge. The performances were very good because our little town gets some talented people passing through.

@Jesuswalksinidaho: The sound of fellating zombie Reagan is all, probably.

@redmanlaw: Isn’t it lovely when reality intrudes on the theatre? I recall being in an outdoor production of The Dream in the middle of an electrical storm. During Titania’s Nine Men’s Morris speech the evening sky turned green and a cloud of starlings formed a vortex above her head.

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