Part of This Nutritious Riot Squad
Bill O’Reilly, Monday night: “Pepper spray, that just burns your eyes, right?” Megyn Kelly: “Right. I mean, it’s like a derivative of actual pepper. It’s a food product, essentially.” [TPM]
“Bam! Let’s kick it up a notch!”
I don’t normally cotton to labeling something fascist just because it’s outrageously right-wing, but what a perfectly fascist statement.
The police were simply feeding the poor hungry demonstrators. It must be tough to be so misunderstood.
By the way, nojo, thanks for the link to the DAILY walk-in NYPD Police Officer’s exam. I’m sure they’ll find lots of people here who have the mind set they’re seeking. Benedick and FCS for sure.
Pepper spray is a vegetable. I now expect it to be part of our school lunch program
@Walking Still: Cooking Tip: Don’t rub your eyes while cutting japalenos.
What Pepper Spray Does to Your Body
@redmanlaw: I learned the hard way that scrubbing your hands with concentrated dish soap does not necessarily remove all traces of jalapeño (or was it habanero?).
One time while eating dinner by a campfire on a fishing trip, I put too much habanero sauce on my ribeye due to combination of too little light and way too many beers and gin and tonics (you have not lived until you’ve made them on the tailgate of a pickup truck in the mountains early on a summer evening while taking a break from some excellent small stream fly fishing for wild trout). Took a bite of my steak and I immediately wanted to cut my tongue off.
@redmanlaw: a little pleasure to offset all this pain. next time you’re cooking with tomatoes and fresh garlic, try slicing up a garlic clove and then with the same unrinsed knife slice a mater up and eat it. garlic sliced maters.
Numerous observers have pointed out how the media and liberals (sorry for the redundancy) lavished sympathy on Occupy Wall Street until it became untenable to continue, after which they began to airbrush their previous encomia. They seem to forget that what begins as Woodstock somehow always ends up as Altamont.
So the cops are Hells Angels?
@jwmcsame: Or slice two or three tomatoes in half and place face side up in a small casserole dish, slice several cloves of garlic and lay on top, dot with butter, sprinkle a little salt and pepper all over, and bake until the tomatoes are just starting to fall apart.
@mellbell: will do. with couscous and turkey kielbasa.
@jwmcsame: Or prosciutto. Everything is better with prosciutto.
One million “blind squirrel finding a nut” points for the Powerline teahadis – of course, they’ve completely missed the fact that *they’re* the Hell’s Angels in America’s Woodstock…
@al2o3cr: who then is today’s mick and keith? michael moore and keith olbermann?
@jwmcsame: Today’s Mick and Keith is Mick and Keith. The “Some Girls” reissue comes out today. I’m gonna go snag a copy and have a bourbon and martinis listening party with Mrs RML later, assuming her head cold does not render her fully incapacitated.
@redmanlaw: what kinda eyes does mrs rml have?:
emotional rescue and tatoo you received no respect because some girls had hit after hit. both are fine albums though. if you had to pick just one stones album, what would it be? me, i gotta go with let it bleed.
when waylon died, i had a listening party till 4:30 in the a.m.. called in not sick (i refuse to lie about such) a few hours later. they asked why. i said cause waylon died. they said ok.
@jwmcsame: You know what kind of eyes she got.
“I’m the bleeding volcano. Where the boys all go. Indian girl. Don’t wanna be yo’ slaaaaave. She’s my little rock and roll.” Yeah, I think I heard those records once or twice.
One Stones record? Lots of people like Exile, but I like the groove they hit on Sticky Fingers –
1. “Brown Sugar” 3:48
2. “Sway” 3:50
3. “Wild Horses” 5:42
4. “Can’t You Hear Me Knocking” 7:14
5. “You Gotta Move” (Fred McDowell/Gary Davis) 2:32
Side two
6. “Bitch” 3:38
7. “I Got the Blues” 3:54
8. “Sister Morphine” (Jagger/Richards/Marianne Faithfull) 5:31
9. “Dead Flowers” 4:03
10. “Moonlight Mile”
Mrs. RML likes Aftermath, probably for the Brian Jones influence and experimentation. Your pick, Let it Bleed, has one of the greatest rock songs ever produced by Western civilization”Gimmie Shelter.” BTW, I told people for years that I stole everything I did on the drums from Charlie Watts. I even got one of those trash can sounding cymbals he used on Emotional Rescue.
This reissue has a really full, crisp, almost live sound. It gets the RML Baby Seal of Approval. The bonus disc is like a great lost Stones country and blues record. Make sure you got plenty of booze on hand when the figurtive needle hits the groove. I’m getting the 1978 concert dvd tomorrow.
Bite the Big Apple. Don’t mind the maggots.
JNOV • Hanging by a Thread @nojo: yeah. I had a feeling you’d say that.
NOJO • Hanging by a Thread @JNOV: Haven’t touched a thing — checked it the other day, worked from here. But that’s my…
JNOV • Hanging by a Thread Oh! My edits worked! Praise nojo!
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NOJO • The Values We Profess @nojo: Also, I love saying stuff like “heading uptown”. Brooklyn is fun!
NOJO • The Values We Profess @JNOV: Speaking of which, I'm heading uptown this afternoon to film some stuff with him, including…