Stinque Shopping Club

Product: “Defense Technology 56895 MK-9 Stream, 1.3% Red Band/1.3% Blue Band Pepper Spray”

Manufacturer: Defense Technology

Rank: 18,023 in Sports & Outdoors

Blurb: “The world’s most widely used pepper spray in law enforcement and corrections, First Defense® has just gotten better. With our complete line of aerosols, we are able to offer an OC level of intensity ranging from .2% Major Capsaicinoids to 1.3% MC. The variations in the MC% means that you can now select the level of intensity of OC for the environment required.”

Review: “Whenever I need to breezily inflict discipline on unruly citizens, I know I can trust Defense Technology 56895 MK-9 Stream, 1.3% Red Band/1.3% Blue Band Pepper Spray to get the job done! The power of reason is no match for Defense Technology’s superior repression power. When I reach for my can of Defense Technology 56895 MK-9 Stream, 1.3% Red Band/1.3% Blue Band Pepper Spray, I know that even the mighty First Amendment doesn’t stand a chance against its many scovil units of civil rights suppression.”

Customers Also Bought: Demands for resignation.

Footnote: “Only 8 left in stock—order soon.”

Defense Technology Pepper Spray [Amazon, via TPM]

Buy or Die [Stinque@Amazon Kickback Link]



There’s another orc-shriekfest tonight??!!

Oh sweet nojo, I hope your health insurance covers RepubliKKKan-induced aneurysms.

@¡Andrew!: My freelance health insurance?


Six-pack in the fridge. That’s all the medication I need.

@nojo: Does this bullshit ever stream? If so, I’ll watch it with you. Special-ordered rum came in today. I’m not near DE, but at least I’m not in PA.

Mebbe you and I can get some group insurance. I’ll knit Peruvian hipster hats for those cold hippies you service.

@JNOV will never finish this fucking sweater!: It’s on CNN, so I imagine you can find a stream at their website.

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