Quentin Tarantino’s Wet Dream

Third nipple found on woman’s foot [Yahoo Oz, via CheapBoy]

And foot fetishes take on a whole new dimension. My question is, does it lactate?

Aw, c’mon! I just sat down to eat! Jesus!

That thing wasn’t found. It was never lost. It’s always been there. What did she think it was? A bunion? Jesus! I’ve seen nipples in interesting places, but I had no idea the milk line led to the sole.

@karen marie has her eyes tight shut: Yep. That’s one pretty well-defined nipple there. It might actually be a supernumerary breast.

CAN WE GET A NEW POST, PLEASE? PLEASE?!?!?!? I don’t like that thing staring at me.

Hide it behind a jump, maybe? I’m begging you!

Fine. If you can’t beat ’em, change your avatar.

@JNOV: Ufh, please, no. That grosses me out unbeliveably.

@Tommmcatt Be Fat, And That Be That: Join the club. Sometimes you have to out obnoxious the obnoxious or die trying.

But what is a good christian male meant to do? She can’t be barefoot as it would be lewd!!

And no. Burning her at the stake as a witch is not acceptable, yet. Depends on what side of the Mason-Dixon line is I suppose.

Disturbing? Yes. But it is a nipple, and nipples cannot be bad no matter where you find them.

More problematical, and to CheapBoy’s point, is the question of mainstream media definitions of propriety and lewdness. Consider the photo on the right. Not that I have ever seen one, but I am reliably informed that in the increasingly differentiated and specialized world of porn sites, this photo would comfortably exist in the NIPPLE – CLOSE-UP category (you can google it for yourself – a search that will likely soon feature JNOV’s avatar).

Now if we were to charitably include Yahoo News as part of mainstream media – we are confronted with the question of why Yahoo (or other main stream media) consider it acceptable to publish a picture that is identical to one that would otherwise be considered to be lewd or pornographic if the self-same picture was of a nipple with a more conventional zip code.

The American mainstream media convention seems to be that it is acceptable to publish photographs of a woman’s naked breasts, as long as the nipple is either covered, blurred, or under a graphic fig leaf. This example would indicate that it is also acceptable to publish photos of a woman’s nipple, as long as it is not located on her breast.

Location. Location. Location.

One wonders if I had a penis growing out of my elbow, whether it would then be considered appropriate to publish a close-up picture on the front page of the Daily News.

80 dead in Norway. I’m gonna need a lot of pictures of cute animals to make it through the weekend.

Somewhere there is a nipple-foot-fetish boy who is spooging all over the place.

@Mistress Cynica: Not sure that radical Islam would think to attack Norway … Norwegians are pretty tame in the bomb-them-all department.

@blogenfreude: Appears to be more of a Timothy McVeigh, homegrown right-wing terrorist.

@Mistress Cynica: Little Green Footballs reports that he’s appreciative of Pam Geller. (He once linked to a post of hers. Everybody’s overplaying the “connection”, of course.)

@blogenfreude: Norwegians are very much involved in NATO actions in Afghanistan and Libya.

Norway is also the most generous contributor to foreign aid pre capita.

And I seem to think that there is no prison term longer than 27 years allowed under Norwegian law.

@libertarian tool: I like this comment, but it took me all day to manage to come back to this fucked up thread. NOJO, USE THE JUMP!

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