One More Thing to Blame on Yoko

“John Lennon was a closet Republican, who felt a little embarrassed by his former radicalism, at the time of his death — according to the tragic Beatles star’s last personal assistant.” [Toronto Sun]


Whattan asshole. I wish he wuz dead.

Imagine…You’re a Neo-fascist Racist

Goldman Sachs in the Sky with Diamonds

Ballad of John & Ronnie

The hitz keep ah-comin’

It is the Toronto Sun… the Faux newz of birdcage liners in Toronto.

Where in one section of the paper they can scream about prostitutes/morality etc and in another (page 3 specifically) show a “classy” Sunshine girl and have ads for “personal” services (but what makes me laugh is hypocritical ads “personal” services.)

i do wanna be a soldier. in the rear with the gear.
cowboy junkies covering john lennon:

anybody ever checked out this blog, operation yellow elephant. i haven’t in a while:

Oh, then he would have supported gun rights.

@ManchuCandidate: I just saw a headline the other day that compulsive kleptomaniac jailbird, Conrad Black, is headed once more into the clink.

Ha ha!

This doesn’t surprise me at all. I was never one to believe in the sainthood/martyrdom of Baby Boomer heroes.

Speaking of undying shame, I have just been informed by NojoBro that he has joined a group of Civil War reenactors.

In Seattle.

“You can stop laughing now,” he emails. No. No, I cannot.

@mellbell: “It is basically just camping and we get to blast Yankees — great fun for the whole family.”

NojoBro, like Nojo, was born in Eugene, around the corner from the Animal House. And NojoBro, like Nojo, has a very sarcastic sense of humor, which is our birthright from our father. So don’t take that too literally.

Real reenactors would burn Seattle to the ground.

@nojo: if he’s gonna be johnny reb, he should starve himself for about a week or so before the re-enactment and then show up barefoot. remember, gettysburg jumped off at the wrong place because the genius lee marched his troops all the way to maryland without adequate footwear. also tell him to become poor and let real rich guys be the officers. make sure the horses they ride are broke down farm mules. whatever the yanks bring to the fight, make sure the rebs firepower is inferior. then when the fighting starts, tell your brother to play dead, run away, or surrender. even with all these disadvantages, tell him to trash talk the yanks something fierce, fire the first shot and then blame the yanks for starting the re-enactment. these things will guarantee realism.

@nojo: The real weirdos are the WW2 German reenactors.

@FlyingChainSaw: the folks here ’bouts have taken to re-enacting d-day in oak ridge, tennessee where they make nuke bombs no less. this place is so fucked up that i swear one day somebody’s gonna show up and really start shooting the german re-enactors.

To put this in perspective, the real family shame is that Mrs. NojoBro is a Husky.

Speaking of Beavers and re-enactors. There is a park/wildlife area outside Corvallis, the name of which escapes me right now. It was used during WW2 to prepare for the invasion of Normandy. Maybe someone could convince a bunch of the Nastis to go there for some festivities and then bomb the shit out of them to make it seem real.

@FlyingChainSaw: Never having been there, I always imagined Seattle was too damp to burn.

@finette: A shining example of why we need librarians!

@¡Andrew!: You’re killing me! (George was my fave. Lennon? Meh.)

@nojo: Wow. CosPlay for the old and infirm.

@DElurker: News to me, and some Googling locates the Normandy training at Camp White (now White City), nine miles north of Medford — south of Eugene, not northwest like Corvallis.

Doesn’t preclude additional training elsewhere, of course.

Which reminds me: The annual Oregon-Oregon State football game is called the “Civil War”. But the state flag has “Union” on it.

ADD: Ah, something with more detail: “In addition to the 300th, Camp White was the training site for their sister battalion, the 299th Combat Engineers.” If you need something more recognizable to place it, Crater Lake is somewhat in the neighborhood.

@JNOV: NojoBro is 42. He has to find another excuse.

@nojo: Uh. Infirm?

I dunno. I think, at 44, I’m finally smack in the middle of my mid-life crisis. If he mocks those dudes, he better hope there’s no Brandon Lee mishap. This is Serious Business.

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