Does Anthony Weiner Have Hairy Legs?

The Management apologizes in advance for spoiling whatever delicious holiday meal you have planned today, but after spending a couple of hours trying to nail down any fact whatsoever about the yfrog stuffed-undies photo, The Management can only wonder whether it’s even Weiner’s wiener.

All we can say with certainty is that late Friday night, Andrew Breitbart’s Big Government website posted a screenshot purportedly from Weiner’s Twitter-linked yfrog photo account, and showing some tighty grays stretched over a suspiciously large package:

The photo was reportedly sent to a woman on Twitter. We’ve protected her name and her account, which was at one time verified to be active but has since been deleted after the photo in question was deleted. Coincidentally, the rest of the photos in the congressman’s alleged yfrog account were also deleted around 11 p.m. eastern.

“Hacked or hung?” asked writer Publius — being very clear not to say, or even strongly imply, that Weiner himself posted the photo.

It wasn’t until Saturday afternoon that Big Government’s Dan Riehl decided to make a go of it, stringing together other Weiner tweets to construct a wildly circumstantial story worthy of WorldNetDaily in its brilliance.

We won’t bother to summarize, because it makes our brain hurt.

Meanwhile, someone at Daily Kos did a WorldNetDaily of his own — including the inevitable Photoshop analysis of the yfrog screenshot — trying to pin the hack on an anti-Weiner Tweeter who was clearly looking for a moment to exploit.

Which also makes our brain hurt.

We think it’s safe to say that the photo was actually posted, but we can’t independently confirm it — all original sources have been zapped. But Weiner denies posting it, the Seattle woman on the receiving end denies any relationship, and the rogue Tweeter denies involvement.

And really, until something verifiable shakes loose — such as internal Twitter or yfrog logs showing the posting location — we’re going to take everybody at their word.

Because our brain hurts enough already.


Though he does bring the hotness if he’s really wearing grey boxer-briefs it would make me less inclined to vote for him. Since he’s an American man and wouldn’t contemplate something skimpy I’d suggest he goes for pale blue 100% cotton boxers – not those great baggy things but the leaner cut – like the ones that Johnny Earl wears. Crisp. Smelling faintly of starch and fresh-cut grass after sumer rain. So I’m told.

@Benedick HRH KFC: Hey! I can’t find nekkid Cheyenne! But I did find this.

@Benedick HRH KFC: Oh, I found him. Now I’m having trouble finding an appropriate nosegay. I wanted to go posies, but then I thought stargazer lilies might be nice, but no luck.

This scandal needs a more imaginative name than Weinergate. Before the inevitable narrative begins, we must come up with something. The Sausage Scandal? Sent Packing? Favre 2.0? The mind fails me.

To answer your question, the answer is no, not anything to be too unusual. (I played softball against him back in his Chuck Schumer staffer days). And I am too shy to consult with a friend who *knew* him in a different sort of way – it would be too random and annoying for her.

@SanFranLefty: It’s not like we’re asking about Bubba’s esoteric birthmarks.

@SanFranLefty: Hey. We all should know each other in the Biblical sense. It’s like a law or something.

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